REST interface documentation: 

For queries on specific values, the field advancedLabel shall be used. It is set for all waggons regardless the waggon type; depending on the waggon equipment, more or less values are visible. When using advancedLabel, waggons with different features may be analysed at once, as the information given in advancedLabel is the same for all waggons. advancedLabel cannot be changed, unlike the column headings of the web portal detail view (API field name), which may be configured per waggon.

Description of advancedLabel (REST-API)

advancedLabel Description Examplary vehicles that support this feature Unit Data type Example
BATTERY_VOLTAGE_SLAVE Battery voltage of secondary system Slave system, e.g. on some automated brake test waggons (Sgnss, T3000) Volt Number 12.81
BRAKE_ENERGY_BOGIE_1 Energy applied to brakes of bogie 1 since last brake pad change Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e GJ Number 2.22
BRAKE_ENERGY_BOGIE_2 Energy applied to brakes of bogie 2 since last brake pad change Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e GJ Number 2.22
BRAKE_ENERGY_BOGIE_3 Energy applied to brakes of bogie 3 since last brake pad change Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e GJ Number 2.22
BRAKE_FORCE_BOGIE_1 Brake force on bogie 1 Vehicles with brake monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e kN Number 10.5
BRAKE_FORCE_BOGIE_2 Brake force on bogie 2 Vehicles with brake monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e kN Number 10.5
BRAKE_MODE Brake mode (P/G) Vehicles with brake monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e 0 = G, 1 = P, else: error Number 0
BRAKE_STATUS Brake status (engaged or disengaged) Vehicles with brake monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e 0 = disengaged, 1 = braked, else: error Number 1
DEBUG Debug-Features
DOOR_1L Front left door open/closed Vehicles with door sensors, e.g. Hbbillns Opened, Closed String "Opened"
DOOR_1R Front right door open/closed Vehicles with door sensors, e.g. Hbbillns Opened, Closed String "Closed"
DOOR_2L Rear left door open/closed Vehicles with door sensors, e.g. Hbbillns Opened, Closed String "Opened"
DOOR_2R Rear right door open/closed Vehicles with door sensors, e.g. Hbbillns Opened, Closed String "Closed"
2 → Abfall des Drucks der Hauptleitung (Wert ist je Wagen konfigurierbar)
3 → wenn die Bremsen geöffnet werden
4 → Notbremsung Werte nach 6 Sekunden
5 → Notbremsung Werte nach 30 Sekunden
Number 2
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_20C_INSIDE relative humidity inside (normalized to 20°C) Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_20C_OUTSIDE relative humidity outside (normalized to 20°C) Vehicles with humidity monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE relative humidity inside Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system, e.g. Hbbills-uy % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_CENTER relative humidity inside at center of waggon Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_CENTER_LEFT relative humidity inside at center of waggon left side Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_CENTER_RIGHT relative humidity inside at center of waggon right side Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_FRONT relative humidity inside at front wall Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_FRONT_LEFT relative humidity inside at front wall left side Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_FRONT_RIGHT relative humidity inside at front wall right side Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_REAR relative humidity inside at rear front wall Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_REAR_LEFT relative humidity inside at rear front wall left side Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_INSIDE_REAR_RIGHT relative humidity inside at rear front wall right side Vehicles with interior humidity monitoring system % Number 45.2881
HUMIDITY_RELATIVE_OUTSIDE relative humidity outside Vehicles with outside humidity monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns % Number 45.2881
IMPACT_X Impact Vehicles with impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Fas, Hbb, Laaprs, Sgnss,
Shimmns, Snps, Tagnpps
g Number -0.016
IMPACT_X_BOGIE_1 Impact, measured on bogie 1 Vehicles with impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, open waggons, T3000e double pocket waggon, Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_X_BOGIE_2 Impact, measured on bogie 2 Vehicles with impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, open waggons, T3000e double pocket waggon, Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_X_BOGIE_3 Impact, measured on bogie 3 Vehicles with three bogies and impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. double pocket waggon g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Y Lateral acceleration Vehicles with impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Y_BOGIE_1 Lateral acceleration, measured on bogie 1 Vehicles with impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, open waggons, T3000e double pocket waggon, Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Y_BOGIE_2 Lateral acceleration, measured on bogie 2 Vehicles with impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, open waggons, T3000e double pocket waggon, Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Z Vertical impact Vehicles with vertical impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Z_BOGIE_1 Vertical impact, measured on bogie 1 Vehicles with vertical impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Z_BOGIE_2 Vertical impact, measured on bogie 2 Vehicles with vertical impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Hbbillns g Number -0.016
IMPACT_Z_BOGIE_3 Vertical impact, measured on bogie 3 Vehicles with three bogies and vertical impact sensor or WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. double pocket waggon g Number -0.016
LAMP_1L Load monitoring signalling light, at position 1L (wheeldisc) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Hbbillns Lamp Color String "Green"
LAMP_1R Load monitoring signalling light at position 1R (wheeldisc) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Hbbillns Lamp Color String "Undefined"
LAMP_2L Load monitoring signalling light at position 2L (wheeldisc) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Hbbillns Lamp Color String "Green"
LAMP_2R Load monitoring signalling light at position 2R (wheeldisc) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Hbbillns Lamp Color String "Green Blinking"
LAMP_BOGIE_1 Load monitoring signalling light on bogie 1 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g.Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e, Fas Lamp Color String "Red"
LAMP_BOGIE_1_LEFT Load monitoring signalling light on left side of bogie 1 Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Shimmns Lamp Color String "Red Blinking"
LAMP_BOGIE_1_RIGHT Load monitoring signalling light on right side of bogie 1 Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Shimmns Lamp Color String "Yellow"
LAMP_BOGIE_2 Load monitoring signalling light on bogie 2 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g.Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e, Fas Lamp Color String "Yellow Blinking"
LAMP_BOGIE_2_LEFT Load monitoring signalling light on left side of bogie 2 Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Shimmns Lamp Color String "Undefined"
LAMP_BOGIE_2_RIGHT Load monitoring signalling light on right side of bogie 2 Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Shimmns Lamp Color String "Green"
LAMP_BOGIE_3 Load monitoring signalling light on bogie 3 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. T3000 Lamp Color String "Green Blinking"
LAMP_MAIN Main signalling light, indicating load status Vehicles with on-site load visualisation and one light only (e.g. Snps, Rnoos, Eaos; usually equipped on both waggon sides); or vehicles with master lamp (e.g. Shimmns with light on top, as additional information for the crane operator) Lamp Color String "Red"
LAMP_WHEELSET_1 Status of load monitoring signalling light at position wheelset 1 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Laaprs woodrailer Lamp Color String "Red Blinking"
LAMP_WHEELSET_2 Status of load monitoring signalling light at position wheelset 2 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Laaprs woodrailer Lamp Color String "Yellow"
LAMP_WHEELSET_3 Status of load monitoring signalling light at position wheelset 3 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Laaprs woodrailer Lamp Color String "Yellow Blinking"
LAMP_WHEELSET_4 Status of load monitoring signalling light at position wheelset 4 (usually equipped on both waggon sides) Vehicles with on-site load visualisation, e.g. Laaprs woodrailer Lamp Color String "Undefined"
PRESSURE_C1 Brake cylinder pressure on bogie 1 Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_C1_EVENT Brake cylinder pressure on bogie 1 during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_C2 Brake cylinder pressure on bogie 2 Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_C2_EVENT Brake cylinder pressure on bogie 2 during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_C3 Brake cylinder pressure on bogie 3 Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_C3_EVENT Brake cylinder pressure on bogie 3 during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_HL Pressure brake pipe Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_HL_EVENT Pressure brake pipe during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_T1 Weighing valve pressure on bogie 1 Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_T1_EVENT Weighing valve pressure on bogie 1 during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_T2 Weighing valve pressure on bogie 2 Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_T2_EVENT Weighing valve pressure on bogie 2 during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_T3 Weighing valve pressure on bogie 3 Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
PRESSURE_T3_EVENT Weighing valve pressure on bogie 3 during an event (open / close brake) Vehicles with brake brake energy monitoring, e.g. T3000e bar Number 3.2
RIDE_COMFORT_X_MAX_BOGIE_1 Ride comfort analysis following EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in longitudinal direction on bogie 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_X_MAX_BOGIE_2 Ride comfort analysis following EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in longitudinal direction on bogie 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_MAX Ride comfort analysis following EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns,
Snps, T3000e
m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_MAX_BOGIE_1 Ride comfort analysis following EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction on bogie 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_MAX_BOGIE_2 Ride comfort analysis following EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction on bogie 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_MAX_BOGIE_3 Ride comfort analysis following EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction on bogie 3 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_RMS Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction (y) Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_RMS_BOGIE_1 Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction (y) on bogie 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_RMS_BOGIE_2 Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction (y) on bogie 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Y_RMS_BOGIE_3 Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in lateral direction (y) on bogie 3 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_MAX_BOGIE_1 Acceleartion measured on car body in vertical direction (z), on bogie 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_MAX_BOGIE_2 Acceleartion measured on car body in vertical direction (z), on bogie 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_MAX_BOGIE_3 Acceleartion measured on car body in vertical direction (z), on bogie 3 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_RMS Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in vertical direction (z) Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_RMS_BOGIE_1 Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in vertical direction (z) on bogie 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_RMS_BOGIE_2 Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in vertical direction (z) on bogie 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
RIDE_COMFORT_Z_RMS_BOGIE_3 Analysis of driving stability resp. vibration behaviour (RMS value), EN14363, measuring accelerations on the car body in vertical direction (z) on bogie 3 Vehicles with WaggonTracker MDS, e.g. Eaos, Fas, Hbbillnss, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, Snps, T3000e m/s2 Number 0.45
TEMP_AXLEBOX_1L (relative) temperature near axle bearing 1L Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_1R (relative) temperature near axle bearing 1R Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_2L (relative) temperature near axle bearing 2L Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_2R (relative) temperature near axle bearing 2R Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_3L (relative) temperature near axle bearing 3L Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_3R (relative) temperature near axle bearing 3R Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_4L (relative) temperature near axle bearing 4L Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_4R (relative) temperature near axle bearing 4R Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_5L (relative) temperature near axle bearing 5L Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_5R (relative) temperature near axle bearing 5R Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_6L (relative) temperature near axle bearing 6L Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_AXLEBOX_6R (relative) temperature near axle bearing 6R Vehicles with axle bearing environment temperature monitoring system, e.g. Sgnss, T3000e °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE Temperature inside of waggon Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system, e.g. Hbbills-uy °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_CENTER Temperature inside of waggon, measured at center of waggon Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_CENTER_LEFT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at center of waggon left side Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_CENTER_RIGHT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at center of waggon right side Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_FRONT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at front wall Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_FRONT_LEFT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at front wall left side Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_FRONT_RIGHT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at front wall right side Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_REAR Temperature inside of waggon, measured at rear front wall Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_REAR_LEFT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at rear front wall left side Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_INSIDE_REAR_RIGHT Temperature inside of waggon, measured at rear front wall right side Vehicles with interior temperature monitoring system °C Number 34.3123
TEMP_OUTSIDE Temperature outside of waggon Vehicles with outside temperature monitoring system, e.g. Shimmns °C Number 34.3123
TRESTLE_1_EVENT_TYPE Transmitted if lock state or pin state changes at trestle 1 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e Number 3
TRESTLE_1_LOCK Information of lock state at trestle 1 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Closed
TRESTLE_1_LOCK_EVENT Transmitted if lock state changes at trestle 1 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Closed
TRESTLE_1_PIN Information of pin state at trestle 1 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Detected
TRESTLE_1_PIN_EVENT Transmitted if pin state changes at trestle 1 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Detected
TRESTLE_2_EVENT_TYPE Transmitted if lock state or pin state changes at trestle 2 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e Number 3
TRESTLE_2_LOCK Information of lock state at trestle 2 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Closed
TRESTLE_2_LOCK_EVENT Transmitted if lock state changes at trestle 2 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Closed
TRESTLE_2_PIN Information of pin state at trestle 2 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Detected
TRESTLE_2_PIN_EVENT Transmitted if pin state changes at trestle 2 Vehicles with trestle monitoring, e.g. T3000e String Detected
UNDEFINED Channel not assigned / not in use not configured channel or debug feature      
WEIGHT_BOGIE_1 Weight measured on bogie 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 2x, e.g. Snps, Eaos, Rnoos t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_BOGIE_2 Weight measured on bogie 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 2x, e.g. Snps, Eaos, Rnoos t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_BOGIE_3 Weight measured on bogie 3 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_BOGIE_4 Weight measured on bogie 4 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_TOTAL Total payload Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 52.951
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_WAGGON_1 Payload of waggon 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 26.821
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_WAGGON_1_POSITION_1 Payload of waggon 1 at position 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 14.061
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_WAGGON_1_POSITION_2 Payload of waggon 1 at position 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 11.069
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_WAGGON_2 Payload of waggon 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 26.130
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_WAGGON_2_POSITION_1 Payload of waggon 2 at position 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 14.061
WEIGHT_PAYLOAD_WAGGON_2_POSITION_2 Payload of waggon 2 at position 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor including payload feature, e.g. T3000e t Number 11.069
WEIGHT_TOTAL Total weight all vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor system t Number 89.195
WEIGHT_WAGGON1 Weight of waggon 1 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor with more than one waggon part, e.g. Laaprs
t Number 74.225
WEIGHT_WAGGON2 Weight of waggon 2 Vehicles with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor with more than one waggon part, e.g. Laaprs Woodrailer t Number 74.225
WEIGHT_WHEEL_1L Weight measured at wheel 1L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 4x/8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Hbbillnss, Hbbills-uy, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_1R Weight measured at wheel 1R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 4x/8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Hbbillnss, Hbbills-uy, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_2L Weight measured at wheel 2L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 4x/8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Hbbillnss, Hbbills-uy, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_2R Weight measured at wheel 2R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 4x/8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Hbbillnss, Hbbills-uy, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_3L Weight measured at wheel 3L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_3R Weight measured at wheel 3R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_4L Weight measured at wheel 4L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_4R Weight measured at wheel 4R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 8x/12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. Fas, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_5L Weight measured at wheel 5L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. T3000e double pocket waggon t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_5R Weight measured at wheel 5R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. T3000e double pocket waggon t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_6L Weight measured at wheel 6L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. T3000e double pocket waggon t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_6R Weight measured at wheel 6R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 12x wheel disc monitoring, e.g. T3000e double pocket waggon t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_7L Weight measured at wheel 7L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_7R Weight measured at wheel 7R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_8L Weight measured at wheel 8L Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEEL_8R Weight measured at wheel 8R Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 10.591
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_1 Weight at wheelset 1 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 4x/8x/12x wheelset monitoring, e.g. Fas, Hbbillnss, Hbbills-uy, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_2 Weight at wheelset 2 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 4x/8x/12x wheelset monitoring, e.g. Fas, Hbbillnss, Hbbills-uy, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_3 Weight at wheelset 3 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 8x/12x wheelset monitoring, e.g. Fas, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_4 Weight at wheelset 4 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 8x/12x wheelset monitoring, e.g. Fas, Laaprs, Sgnss, Shimmns, T3000e, Tagnpps t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_5 Weight at wheelset 5 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 12x wheelset monitoring, e.g. T3000e double pocket waggon t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_6 Weight at wheelset 6 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor 12x wheelset monitoring, e.g. T3000e
double pocket waggon
t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_7 Weight at wheelset 7 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 21.182
WEIGHT_WHEELSET_8 Weight at wheelset 8 Vehicles equipped with WaggonTracker ADV LoadMonitor t Number 21.182