Technical article on condition based maintenance for intermodal train of Mercitalia

We have new reading material for you: The latest technical article in the German trade magazine "Eisenbahn Ingenieur" describes in detail how targeted monitoring saves costs, increases efficiency and enhances the safety of an intermodal train.

Technical article (in German language):



Mercitalia and PJM put Europe's smartest freight train on track

Mercitalia Intermodal (Polo Mercitalia – Gruppo FS Italiane) and PJM put the smartest rail freight train on track. Due to a wide range of functionalities, Mercitalia Intermodal benefits from shorter delivery times as well as condition-based maintenance providing concrete and relevant information. All this together results in savings on maintenance and servicing, more safety and greater efficiency. The gamut of functionalities comprises:

  • Condition-based monitoring in real-time
  • Multi-diagnosis system for load monitoring, brake analysis and brake system monitoring in real-time (correct function of the brakes in terms of pressure in the main pipe, load and cylinder pressure during stillstand and on the ride, brake energy analysis in order for early detection of defective and overloaded brake systems)
  • Train dynamic control to identify critical running situations and defects
  • Determination of running comfort and running safety as well as detection of longitudinal and vertical impacts
  • Real-time trestle monitoring for reliable and safe detection of the correct setting for trailer transports in the intermodal sector
  • Automated brake testing system developed by PJM, SBB Cargo and Rail Cargo Group

The integrated in-train communication is capable of transmitting data to the train driver in case of derailment, incorrect braking conditions, brake overloads, hot box warnings, trestle monitoring and any other safety-related and technical relevant problems.

This is the smartest freight train on track, providing many benefits to Mercitalia Intermodal: shorter delivery times, impactful condition-based maintenance and therefore savings on maintenance and repair work, greater safety and more efficiency.

Get all the details on the ultra-smart train including a full list of functionalities in the latest pressrelease:







Shift2Rail: Technologies for sustainable and attractive rail freight cargo in Europe

PJM is one of 14 Austrian enterprises and research institutions pushing technology and further development of a sustainable and attractive rail freight. In this big initiative, PJM‘s know-how is crucial:

  • The so-called core market wagon is a “high-tech-train” equipped with digital technologies. PJM’s sensor technology will be on board, too.
  • In autumn 2021, a train of the “Styrian Regional Train” will be equipped with comprehensive monitoring functionalities. The focus will be condition based maintenance. AC2T will be in charge of lubricants monitoring, PJM will be responsible for measurement technology, wagon integration and power supply.

Shift2Rail is a public-private-partnership of the European Union and the European railway sector. The aim of the research and innovation undertaking is to ensure and strengthen the competitiveness of the European railway industry and to support achieving the shift to rail road traffic which is defined in the white paper of transport and traffic. For this undertaking, 920 million Euros in a period or six months are at disposal, from which 450 million Euros coming from Horizon 2020 which is the EU-programme for research and innovation. Another 470 million Euros come from the founding members and associated members. Companies and research institution of Austria are represented by three associated members, among them the VVAC+ („Virtual Vehicle Austria Consortium+“) with 12 Austrian and one Slovak partner and the das EUROC („EUropean Rail Operating community Consortium“). 

Long train moving to station

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