Just like a fairy tale: Approval tests of Stadler FLIRT on the regional railway TILO

It's landscape just like in a fairy tale: The approval tests of new Stadler FLIRT trains were performed amongst others on the world-famous Gotthard railway. Within the comprehensive tests, there was a focus on the aquivalent conicity of the rail-wheel-contact. Get the full project story as download or on: 




Let it snow: Privatbahnmagazin reports on the approval tests of the powerful snow blower vehicle

"Let it snow" in the German special interest magazine "Privatbahnmagazin". Its latest issue reports on the PJM tests for approving the strongest snow blower vehicle. The figures of the vehicle Schmidt Beilhack HB1100S are impressive. 76 tons of steel, 2.200 PS and 10.000 tons snow removial per hour. For the tests of approval, AEBI Schmidt counted on the expertise of a neutral partner. Hence, PJM was in charge of the comprensive tests. Get the full story (in German language).

In the spotlight of the Swiss Touring-Magazine: Digital brake tests and automated coupling of SBB Cargo

The January issue of the Swiss Touring-Magazine provides a long story on the innovative projects of SBB Cargo (in German language). Digital brake tests and automated coupling replace hard and demanding manual work. By automatising processes, the SBB Cargo will cope with future shortage of staff which is caused by large-scales retirements of the baby-boomer generation.

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