The private railway WESTBahn is operating in 2-hours-cycles from Vienna via Linz to Salzburg. The fleet consists of double deck trains of the type KISS by Stadler Rail. Henceforth, parts of the fleet will be operated by DB. For the extended approval of Germany, PJM was in charge of the type tests in the field of brakes and acoustics. "The test runs were successfully performed in a very short time frame", says Martin Joch. The three main factors for this were:
- Due to a limited timetable, the "Corona weeks" in March were ideal to perform the test runs.
- To a great extent, the measurement chain was digitalised. The advantages of a digital measurement system are the reduced cabling efforts and a much higher interference resistance. Within a short period, our team had implemented a measuring system comprising 200 sensors.
- The many years' experience and great committment of our measurement team.
The static tets, dynamic brake tests and tests of the wheel slide protection system were performed under varying conditions, such as differing conditions of the track and varying speed ranging from 80 to the maximum of 200 km/h.