TRANSWAGGON: Essai de freinage automatique et fonctions WaggonTracker en option d'équipement

Pour Mercitalia Intermodal, associer l'efficacité du transport à la sécurité est une exigence importante dans le transport intermodal quotidien. C'est pourquoi le détenteur de wagons italien mise depuis plusieurs années sur des fonctionnalités de surveillance numériques et des processus automatisés. La transformation de la flotte existante en wagons de marchandises Smart Train est mise en œuvre de manière conséquente. Cette année, au moins 180 wagons supplémentaires seront modernisés, alors qu'au cours des deux années précédentes, environ 200 wagons - principalement de type T3000 - ont été mis à niveau. Dès 2017, Mercitalia Intermodal a commencé à mettre à niveau sa flotte de wagons de marchandises.

Les avantages des fonctions Smart-Train sont vastes : des délais de livraison plus courts grâce à des processus automatisés dans l'environnement de la voie, une logique de maintenance prédictive et des modèles de maintenance basés sur l'état réduisent les coûts tout en augmentant la sécurité en cas de panne, l'efficacité et la sécurité générale du transport ferroviaire.

Article sur le portail ferroviaire français "Le Rail France"

Communiqué de presse (en anglais)


Completed: 500+ wagons of Mercer & TRANSWAGGON equipped with automated load monitoring system

The capacity has increased many times over. Another big benefit is that the loading staff sees at once if the wagon is overloaded”, says Lothar Krebs, Deputy Sales Director of TRANSWAGGON in Hamburg when he is talking about the automated load monitoring system of PJM. Recently, the last of 512 wagons in total was equipped with the automated system. The wagons are in use by Mercer Holz which is one of the largest purchasers in Europe. More than 3.5 million tons of logs, chips and lumber are transported by rail every year.

Wood can have weight differences of up to 50% due to differences in density and moisture content which is a big uncertainty factor in loading the wagons. “We need reliable, stable monitoring of the loading process to protect against overlading of the wagons”, explains Jürgen Köhler, Division Manager for Rail and Ship Logistics at Mercer Holz. The load monitoring system meets all these demands: The system analyses the load and the load distribution during the loading process. Signal lamp indicate as soon as the maximum load capacity is reached. Further benefits:  real-time, precise and reliable data transfer and lists of train composition are provided per app, scan, NFC or manual input. “Mercer Holz pushes efficiency exemplarily and its wagon capacity is very high”, says PJM CEO Günter Petschnig. “By increasing the system efficiency and its safety significantly, the automated load monitoring system ensures a quick ROI.”

More information on the load monitoring system and its benefits:




ETR magazine reports on the load monitoring system

The German special interest magazine ETR provides a deep insight into the load monitoring system in use by Mercer & TRANSWAGGON. Timber is a "difficult" transport material, due to its varying volume.upDepending on weather conditions, the weight of wood can vary by up to 50 %. The load monitoring system ensures the optimum load capacity during the loading process.

Get the full story (in German language):



Mercer & TRANSWAGGON rely on our automated load monitoring system

Mercer is a full-service-provider for timber industry and wood owners. The portfolio of the German, innovative company comprises pulp mills and a saw mill in Germany. Hence, these figures clearly show Mercer's relevance on the European continent: Every year, Mercer purchases over 7 million bank meters of wood, among it 5 million round timber. Over 3,5 million tons of wood are transported by rail. All in all that's over 2.000 block trains per year. 

Thus, Mercer Holz is one of the biggest wooden rail logistic providers in Europe. Wood is a very valuable raw material yet "difficult" for transporters. "Due to the different density and moisture, wood can differ in weight by up to 50%", says Jürgen Köhler, Head of Logistics at Mercer Holz GmbH. This is a great uncertainty factor having a significant impact on logistics: cost-effectiveness, security and error frequency. A perfect solution is the LoadMonitor-system by PJM. In addition to important data acquisition in real time via general monitoring functions, the LoadMonitor-system provided an automated loading process. "We need reliable, stable wagons and loading security - for both shipping companies and customers", summarizes Jürgen Köhler. Now. Mercer Holz has closed the gaps in the logistics process chain with the LoadMonitor. All essential information about freight wagons as well as an automatic loading control on site are covered by just one system.

Lothar Krebs, Deputy Sales Manager of TRANSWAGGON GmbH in Hamburg, brings a different perspective from the wagon keeper's point of view. "For our customers, a big issue is when vehicles are stopped or removed from the track. That costs time and money. His experience with the LoadMonitor-system: "The use of capacity has increased a lot. It's a great benefit that the loader can immediately see whether the wagon is overloaded or not". His conclusio: "The cooperation worked very well, as did the implementation of the PJM-system and the entire project management. The system runs very smoothly". He prognoses: "Digitalising rail freight is fundamentally correct and must be the future.”

Further information on our customers:

Mercer Holz GmbH



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