VTG relies on automation of brake testing with PJM

VTG, Europe's leading private operator of freight wagons, will offer PJM's automatic brake testing system as a project-related equipment option. VTG is thus consistently pursuing its digitalisation strategy in order to achieve further increases in efficiency in the handling of freight trains.

Automatic brake testing is a crucial factor in the preparation of freight trains, as it is obligatory to check the brakes each time a change is made to the wagon configuration or the wagon is stationary for more than 24 hours. Hence, the potential savings for railway companies in this time-consuming process are high, both in terms of human labour and costs.

Since 2017, the technology developed by PJM and SBB Cargo has been successfully tested in pilot freight trains. Based on this extensive testing, VTG will make this system available as an equipment option. The expansion of the equipment portfolio with the automatic brake test system supports the integration of the Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) and represents another important step in the digitalisation strategy of both companies.

Media release




Nomination for the Austrian Mobility Award: Online voting until 23 July

Mercitalia's "super-intelligent" freight train project has convinced the jury. The most intelligent goods train in Europe is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award, carried out by the VCO.

"The most intelligent goods train in Europe by Mercitalia" is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award. Every year, the VCÖ selects the best mobility projects in several categories. A jury of experts has evaluated the top 5, now it's your turn and take part in the online voting: You can vote until 23 July (in German language). The German title of our project is: "Digitaler Bahntransport: Der intelligenteste Güterzug Europas". 


Of course, our WaggonTracker is also on board as the basic system for the large number of functionalities.


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