Timber loading made easy: video on automated load monitoring

Loading ‘difficult’ materials such as wood, gravel, bulk goods or scrap is always a challenge for hauliers and shippers, as it is not possible to load by volume. The weight of timber can change by up to 50% - depending on the weather conditions. Overloaded or asymmetrically loaded freight wagons cost valuable time and money, e.g. due to the queuing at infrastructure points, higher repair costs due to increased wear and tear, etc.
With real-time load weight monitoring, the loading capacity is utilised in the best possible way and overloading is avoided. Signal lamps directly on the wagon provide real-time information about the loading status so that the loader can take corrective action. The advantages of the load monitoring system? Greater efficiency, faster loading, lower costs and more safety for environmentally friendly rail transport.

Video on load monitoring system 


TRANSWAGGON includes automatic brake testing and digital monitoring as equipment option

Together with PJM, the TRANSWAGGON Group is making a key contribution to the automation and digitalization of rail freight transport in Europe. Wagon rental customers save time and increase safety in operation by equipping their wagons with automatic brake testing. Many other digital monitoring features are available for TRANSWAGGON customers. In addition, the energy self-sufficient and powerful WaggonTracker system can be expanded with customer-specific systems. The integration of automatic brake testing and monitoring functions into the TRANSWAGGON Group's equipment portfolio is a logical step.

"The automatic brake test saves time and increases safety during operation. It eliminates the need for a  time-consuming walk around the entire train. Train preparation can therefore be carried out more quickly and safely," says Bertram Wieloch, CTO and member of the TRANSWAGGON Group's Executive Board.

This is not the first cooperation between the TRANSWAGGON Group and the Austrian system specialist PJM. In the past, around 500 wagons were equipped with the so called LoadMonitor, an automatic load weight monitoring system, on behalf of Mercer Holz. The system analyses the load weight during the loading process and visually indicates the maximum load capacity. Since then, one of Europe's largest timber logistics companies has benefited from a better capacity utilization, avoids overloading thanks to the precise data and appreciates completely paperless documentation.

Media release

Photo: With courtesy of TRANSWAGGON Group


Transport Logistic 2023: See you in Munich!

The transport industry is meeting again this year in Munich. What will we have in our trade fair luggage? Lots of first-hand news about:

  • Digital rail freight transport
  • Automatic brake testing and load weight monitoring
  • Engineering and construction of new freight wagons and rail vehicles
  • Current projects

We are looking forward to your visit!

9-12 May 2023

Hall B6 / Booth 116





View of the Olympic Stadium in Munich, Olympic Tower, BMW Tower

InnoTrans 2022: PJM presents rail freight solutions

Our innovations will be presented at InnoTrans! We look forward to meeting you in person and talking shop about the current topics in the industry and our solutions in digital rail freight transport, vehicle testing according to ISO/IEC 17025 and engineering. Live in Berlin - we look forward to seeing you!


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PJ Monitoring GmbH

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8020 Graz

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