PJM joins symposium "Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021"

Our CEO Martin Joch is one of the speaking experts on the symposium: “Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021”. The availability of vehicles is a relevant indicator for railway companies. Martin Joch will present technology and benefits of the autonomous measuring system: “On board monitoring to increase the vehicle’s availability". Comprehensive monitoring of freight wagons creates profound data which is the basis for further decision making such as service and maintenance intervals, damage analysis etc.

The symposium is organised by the Austrian ÖVG and Schuster + Schuster Traffi Infrastructure Consulting and will place on June, 15th in Lower Austria.

Program and registration: https://schuster2-consulting.at/event/fachtagung-monitoring-rad-schiene-2021/




Interview by Eisenbahn.Blog: All about the autonomous measuring system

The Austrian Eisenbahn.Blog had interviewed Martin Joch and Günter Petschnig on the autonomous measuring system. What was the basic idea of the innovation? Which are the main fields of application? What to expect of this new measuring system? Find all the answers on these questions and many more in the interview (in German language):



Further information on the autonomous measuring system in English: 



"kleine Zeitung" reports on PJM autonomous measuring system

The local daily newspaper "Kleine Zeitung" reports on our innovation autonomous measuring system. 

Get the full story (in German language):



The autonomous measuring system: The smartphone among railway measurements

In our technical life as well as in our everyday life, the requirements of tools like a smartphone are a matter of course: quick, flexible, simple, high-performing and accessible all the times. Based on these premises, PJM had developed a new measuring system meeting the technological demands of the 21st century.

The “autonomous measuring system” combines up-to-date and proven standard components and thus creates an entirely new application. The result is a digital measuring system providing three major benefits: The system is easy to install (in just a few steps), it permanently generates required data and then provides the data in real-time on online-platforms. “The autonomous measuring system is a quick, flexible and stable solution, which can be easily integrated in the existing operating systems of our customers. Due to proven standard components, the system is very stable. By the innovative combination of proven tools, we managed to create numerous additional features”, say Martin Joch and Günter Petchnig, CEO of PJM. The functionality and reliability of the new system had been proven and well-tried by various international projects.

With the autonomous measuring system PJM has set another milestone in digitalising rail freight cargo.

Get all about the innovation, its concept and benefits in our latest press-release: 




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PJ Messtechnik GmbH
PJ Monitoring GmbH

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