Nomination for the State Prize for Digitalisation

The most innovative digital projects and products were sought, evaluated and selected by a top-class jury according to a wide range of criteria. The submission phase took place together with the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency). We are delighted that our project "Digital Rail Transport: Automatic Brake Test via Tablet" has been nominated. The decision on the State Prize Digitalisation 2023 will be made at the JOYN ORF 4GAMECHANGERS Festival 2024.

Watch live on TV or via Facebook:

14 May 2024 at 8.00 pm

Further (German) information on:

PJM at Railway Forum Berlin: presentation & Styrian event

The Railway Forum Berlin is Europe’s leading management conference of the railway industry. The industry get-together is taking place for the 8th time. This year, PJM will again present technological innovations in digital rail freight transport. There are several opportunities for you to see our digital solution around the WaggonTracker system live in Berlin:

  • Visit us at the joint ACStyria stand, stand C 10.
  • Short lecture by CEO Günter Petschnig: "Automation and digitalisation in intermodal transport", Thursday, 7 September, at 11.00 a.m. on the Exhibition Stage
  • Styria Coffee-Break: networking meeting with coffee and wine from the region, Wednesday, 6 September, 12:50, also at the ACStyria joint stand, stand C 10

Railway Forum Berlin, 6 - 7 September 2023

We look forward to your visit!

Invitation Styrian coffee break & wine taste:


Kleine Zeitung reports on PJM and how to innovate rail freight cargo

The "Kleine Zeitung" is Austria's most popular and successful local newspaper. Read all about PJM and the WaggonTracker-system and how digitalisation and automation can get rail freight cargo fit for the future. 

Online article (in German language):









Austria's VCÖ Mobility Award 2020 for WaggonTracker!

Our WaggonTracker-system was awarded with the Austrian Mobility Prize 2020 in the category "digitalisation". Federal minister Leonore Gewessler, ÖBB director Michaela Huber, Siemens Mobility CEO Arnulf Wolfram and VCÖ-CEO Willi Nowak presented the award to PJM-CEO Günter Petschnig.

The 59 members of the jury found: "We just realized that a digital system is not standard in rail freight transport. Thus, it is a big step to achieve a competitive position between road haulage and rail freight cargo. It is an innovation that was past overdue and which has great potential. A comprehensive data set is the basisfor modernisation and optimisation."

The top-class event was started with a talk of experts: Federal minister Rudolf Anschober and the guests mentioned above presented future concepts and projects. The event was hostest by TV-moderator Corinna Milborn.

VCÖ Mobility Award 2020

The Mobility Award 2020 presented by VCÖ is Austria's greatest competition for sustainable rail freight cargo and climate compatibility. Further information on

Business talk of "bahn manager": Interview the automated brake test

The German special interest magazine "bahn manager" regularly interviews experts of railway business. On the Alpine Rail Forum in Vienna, Günter Petschnig gave an insight into the innovative project on automated brake tests (in German language).

PJM joined the international conference Alpine Rail Optimisation

Big data and IoT were the top issues of the international conference Alpine Rail Optimisation. 140 experts of rail companies and suppliers discussed latest digital technologies and their positive effects for railway business. The German special interest magazine Bahnmanager reported from the event in Vienna. Get the full story on the conference including an interview with Günter Petchnig, co-founder and CEO of PJM, on the multiple benefits of the automated brake test (in German language):


Alpine Rail Optimisation

Hot off the press: PJMagazine out now!

For enthusiastic readers and all those who love to be informed - the second issue of PJMagazine is out now!






All about WaggonTracker in the ETR magazine

Get an overview of the functionalities of the WaggonTracker system in the current issue of ETR magazine.



Panel on automated rail freight transport

The panel discussion on "Alliance of SBB Cargo with  the industry and public authorities to automatise rail freight transport in Switzerland" took place at the TransportLogistic in Munich. Martin Joch, founder and CEO of PJM, joined the expert panel. "New technologies have a strong impact on our society. We are surrounded by intelligent systems such as Alexa, Amazon, Google & Co. Rail fraight transport needs to be contemporary, too - providing benefits for all of us. Quality of transport and saving of time are the bullet points. Furthermore  it's about creating attractive jobs. Digitalisation will provide new, interesting jobs."
Anja-Maria Sonntag, project leader automation of SBB Cargo provided insight on automisation projects and on the auotmated brake test.
Christian Radewagen, project manager of Voith, emphasised the envorinmental and competitive aspects of rail freight industry.
Arnold Berndt of the public authority "Bundesamt für Verkehr", pointed out the importance of modern rail freight transport systems. 
Photos provided with courtesy by SBB Cargo

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