Dynamic tests, instrumented wheel-sets and simulation for Rhaetian Rail

Projects always take our measurement technology team to particularly beautiful places. This was also the case recently in Switzerland. The Rhaetian Railway makes railway hearts beat faster. The track is one of the most beautiful in the world, and the Bernina and Albula lines are even UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition to the picturesque landscape, the technical requirements are fascinating. Typical for the metre gauge track are curves up to 45 m radius and gradients up to 70 ‰. The Allegra multiple-unit train made by Stadler AG, which is used on this line in various vehicle configurations, is perfectly tailored to these high line requirements. In order to test the running characteristics of different train compositions under special operating conditions, PJM was commissioned with running tests.

The project was carried out in several parts by the experienced system specialist from Austria:

  • In the preliminary stage, the wheel-rail forces as well as occurring buffer forces were determined by simulations. In this way, critical conditions or constellations could be resolved computationally. Another advantage is that this keeps the metrological effort to a minimum.
  • Instrumented wheel sets, accelerators, transducers as well as measuring buffers were prepared in the usual way at the company's location in Graz and then installed on the test vehicle at the RhB main workshop in Landquart.
  • The measurement campaign was carried out on the track between Poschiavo and Alp Grüm. In real operation, the running behaviour was tested under increased operating forces. The test runs took place in November 2022. The data analysis and report were recently completed.

Further information in the media release: https://pjm.co.at/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/02/PI-PJM-Rhaetian-Rail-Web-02-2023-EN.pdf


A good start into a "projekt-rich" year

We have started into a project-rich year. Our laboratory team is currently working on new instrumented wheel sets. The engineering experts validate existing vehicles and optimise new vehicle designs using simulation and FE calculation. The test centre team is constantly on the road for vehicle tests. Our production team is constantly engaged in the production of our digital WaggonTracker technology. The projects of railway companies and vehicle manufacturers are carried out in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland and Ireland, among others.


Press release: Testing the vehicle dynamics of the TR6000 of Indian Railways

PJM, the specialist of worldwide railway solutions, is in charge of testing the vehicle dynamics of the TR6000 for vehicle approval. The IR6000 was engineered by GE Transportation Systems, PJM’s customer is Indian Railways. The state-of-the-art diesel-electric locomotive is planned to be in operation extensively. In all the projects, PJM strives to minimise the risks. Thus, PJM is the only supplier worldwide involving hardware in the loop-simulations.  

Read more in the presse-release (available in German)

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