Le train pilote de DB Cargo avec essai de frein automatique a commencé son exploitation opérationnelle parallèle chez MEG

L'essai de freinage automatisé prend également son envol en Allemagne. Un train pilote équipé du système d'essai de freinage automatisé a été mis en service opérationnel parallèle par DB Cargo auprès de la Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH (MEG). La technologie provient de PJM et est considérée comme le système de référence européen depuis l'expertise positive du TÜV. L'essai de freinage automatique répond à tous les critères techniques et formels ainsi qu'aux directives relatives à la sécurité. La prochaine étape du système homologué est le déploiement. Le système d'essai de frein est également conçu pour d'autres étapes d'automatisation. Grâce à l'alimentation électrique puissante et à faible consommation d'énergie et au système radio local, le système est désormais disponible et peut être utilisé de manière flexible pour les voitures existantes comme pour les voitures neuves. Grâce à sa structure modulaire, la compatibilité avec le futur DAK est assurée. En fonction de la charge de travail, l'essai de freinage sera effectué de 4 à 6 fois par jour, soit environ 1800 fois par an, de manière automatisée.

L'essai de freinage automatisé est un élément important pour rendre le transport ferroviaire de marchandises plus efficace, plus rapide et plus attrayant. Le système automatisé est source d'efficacité : le gain de temps pour un train de marchandises de 400 m de long est d'environ 2 x 35 minutes et l'opération peut être effectuée par le conducteur de locomotive ou le chef de wagon seul. C'est un grand avantage du point de vue du futur marché du travail. Le manque de personnel qualifié et de personnel de manœuvre va s'accentuer dans les années à venir en raison de l'évolution démographique. La pénurie de personnel qualifié et de personnel de manœuvre va s'accentuer au cours des prochaines années en raison de l'évolution démographique. "Il est grand temps de remplacer le travail obsolète et les tâches manuelles pénibles par des processus automatisés. L'automatisation apporte la poussée d'efficacité dont nous avons urgemment besoin ainsi que l'augmentation de la rentabilité du transport ferroviaire et crée des profils d'emploi attrayants", analyse Günter Petschnig, CEO de PJM.



Mercitalia and PJM put Europe's smartest freight train on track

Mercitalia Intermodal (Polo Mercitalia – Gruppo FS Italiane) and PJM put the smartest rail freight train on track. Due to a wide range of functionalities, Mercitalia Intermodal benefits from shorter delivery times as well as condition-based maintenance providing concrete and relevant information. All this together results in savings on maintenance and servicing, more safety and greater efficiency. The gamut of functionalities comprises:

  • Condition-based monitoring in real-time
  • Multi-diagnosis system for load monitoring, brake analysis and brake system monitoring in real-time (correct function of the brakes in terms of pressure in the main pipe, load and cylinder pressure during stillstand and on the ride, brake energy analysis in order for early detection of defective and overloaded brake systems)
  • Train dynamic control to identify critical running situations and defects
  • Determination of running comfort and running safety as well as detection of longitudinal and vertical impacts
  • Real-time trestle monitoring for reliable and safe detection of the correct setting for trailer transports in the intermodal sector
  • Automated brake testing system developed by PJM, SBB Cargo and Rail Cargo Group

The integrated in-train communication is capable of transmitting data to the train driver in case of derailment, incorrect braking conditions, brake overloads, hot box warnings, trestle monitoring and any other safety-related and technical relevant problems.

This is the smartest freight train on track, providing many benefits to Mercitalia Intermodal: shorter delivery times, impactful condition-based maintenance and therefore savings on maintenance and repair work, greater safety and more efficiency.

Get all the details on the ultra-smart train including a full list of functionalities in the latest pressrelease:








Technical article in "Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau" on the automatic brake testing system

The "Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau" reports on the completed product development of the automated brake testing system in a detailed technical article. Read more about the technology and the timeline of the pioneering system (in German language):






Rail Live in Madrid: Solutions for digital rail freight

We are live at Rail Live 2021 in Madrid! On the booth of our industry partner Pilz GmbH, automation will be in the limelight. We present our digital overall system WaggonTracker which combines monitoring and automated brake test or automated load monitoring. There will be a presentation on the digital technology on the automated brake test (1st of December, stage 4). The two experts Gerhard Moser, Senior Manager Systems Integrations of Pilz GmbH and Christoph Lorenzutti, COO of PJ Monitoring, will talk about the solution for digital rail freight.

Get your free ticket: https://www.terrapinn.com/conference/rail-live/index.stm

We are looking forward to your visit at booth 82!



A milestone of digital rail freight: Product development of automated brake testing system completed

The completed automated brake test is a milestone for digital rail freight transport. The product development is completed. Without any doubt, the automated brake testing of rail freight wagons is one of the most important processes to make rail freight transport efficient and modern. “The serial operation is imminent. The system is now available and brings immediate, concrete effects for railway companies and a general impact for rail freight transport by gaining attractiveness”, says CEO Günter Petschnig. 

The automated brake test system was put on track years ago: Since spring 2018, the first pilot train has been in operational testing. Since March 2019, 105 wagons equipped with the digital system have been running in Switzerland. SBB Cargo leads the operational integration. Further nearly wagons haven been equipped with the automated system since April 2019. The brake testing system was designed and developed by PJM. The validation is expected to be finalised and the system is supposed to go into series production by the end of this year.

Get the full presse release including details on the solution and its steps to a complete system:


Live in Berlin: We present novelties at the Railway Forum

The railway industry meets again "live" at the Berlin Railway Forum. Mobility know-how "Made in Styria" also will be presented at the first-class industry event. We are looking forward to your visit at the joint booth of AC Styria!

The major headlines of the industry meeting are, among others, the development of the railroad system, digitalization & automation as well as sustainability. We are the innovation leader in all of these topics: our digital overall system WaggonTracker, which makes SGV more attractive, better and faster, our technical solution of automated brake testing and our system for automated load monitoring. In measurement technology, too, we are constantly coming up with new solutions and technologies, such as our autonomous measurement system.


"Der Eisenbahningenieur": An analysis of the automated brake test system and its benefits

The well-respected magazine "Der Eisenbahningenieur" provides a profound insight by Günter Petschnig and Christoph Lorenzutti: An analysis on requirements and benefits of a system for automated brake testing in rail freight. 

Get the full story (in German language):




Bahn Manager magazine: The automated brake test at a glance

The German special interest magazine Bahn Manager provides a compact overview of the automated brake test by PJM. 

Get the full story (in German language) on the "inevitable" innovation:




A crucial element of digital rail freight: The automated brake test in the spotlight of ETR magazine

"A significant element of digital rail freight: automated brake test" - that's the title of the paper in the latest issue of ETR magazine, which is one of the leading technical magazines in German language. What's the paper about? You'll get a comprehensive summary on:
  • The current process of brake tests which is purely manually performed
  • The requirements of automated brake tests from a technical and process-driven point of view. 
  • The functionalities and benefits of our brake test-app

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