PJM joins symposium "Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021"

Our CEO Martin Joch is one of the speaking experts on the symposium: “Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021”. The availability of vehicles is a relevant indicator for railway companies. Martin Joch will present technology and benefits of the autonomous measuring system: “On board monitoring to increase the vehicle’s availability". Comprehensive monitoring of freight wagons creates profound data which is the basis for further decision making such as service and maintenance intervals, damage analysis etc.

The symposium is organised by the Austrian ÖVG and Schuster + Schuster Traffi Infrastructure Consulting and will place on June, 15th in Lower Austria.

Program and registration: https://schuster2-consulting.at/event/fachtagung-monitoring-rad-schiene-2021/




Technical article on the load monitoring system in the magazine "Der Eisenbahningenieur"

A deep insight into the automated load monitoring system is provided by the German magazine “Der Eisenbahningenieur”. Get more on the technical design of the LoadMonitor, benefits for the loading process and medium-term and longrun positive effects.

Get the full story (in German language):




Completed: 500+ wagons of Mercer & TRANSWAGGON equipped with automated load monitoring system

The capacity has increased many times over. Another big benefit is that the loading staff sees at once if the wagon is overloaded”, says Lothar Krebs, Deputy Sales Director of TRANSWAGGON in Hamburg when he is talking about the automated load monitoring system of PJM. Recently, the last of 512 wagons in total was equipped with the automated system. The wagons are in use by Mercer Holz which is one of the largest purchasers in Europe. More than 3.5 million tons of logs, chips and lumber are transported by rail every year.

Wood can have weight differences of up to 50% due to differences in density and moisture content which is a big uncertainty factor in loading the wagons. “We need reliable, stable monitoring of the loading process to protect against overlading of the wagons”, explains Jürgen Köhler, Division Manager for Rail and Ship Logistics at Mercer Holz. The load monitoring system meets all these demands: The system analyses the load and the load distribution during the loading process. Signal lamp indicate as soon as the maximum load capacity is reached. Further benefits:  real-time, precise and reliable data transfer and lists of train composition are provided per app, scan, NFC or manual input. “Mercer Holz pushes efficiency exemplarily and its wagon capacity is very high”, says PJM CEO Günter Petschnig. “By increasing the system efficiency and its safety significantly, the automated load monitoring system ensures a quick ROI.”

More information on the load monitoring system and its benefits: 





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PJ Monitoring GmbH

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8020 Graz

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