The key data of Plasser & Theurer's 09-3X track tamping machine are impressive: 80 tonnes net weight, 35 m length, 8 axles, and 3-sleeper tamping units ensure powerful and efficient working. To determine the stresses and deformations of the vehicle frame, PJM carried out pressure frame tests according to EN 12663-1. The strength tests were performed at the Linz factory of the technology leader and manufacturer of track maintenance machines. This has clear advantages for the machine manufacturer: the entire on-site infrastructure is used and any adaptations to the object can be coordinated with the design engineers and immediately implemented. Using PJM’s mobile pressure frame allows the tests to be carried out directly in the factory.
Thanks to its modular design, the pressure frame is suitable for every type of vehicle. It has proven its effectiveness in static tests in numerous projects.
"Testing with the mobile pressure frame at the customer's site provides full transparency for the calculation engineers with regard to test procedure. It also greatly facilitates validating the calculation models. This approach ensures the least possible amount of time is spent in projects," explains Martin Joch, CEO of PJM. "PJM handled the measurements very efficiently and professionally. We greatly benefitted from the fact that they were carried out on our premises in Linz," confirms Andreas Pumberger, Head of Railway Testing Lab, Plasser & Theurer.

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