Hightech from Graz for Swiss rail freight transport

The local weekly newspaper provides an article on the automatic brake test system, which was provided for the SBB Cargo.
Online article (in German language):


2019-06-24 12_49_05-Unternehmen - news.wko.at

"Die Presse" features concepts on smart wagons

The Austrian quality paper "Die Presse" discusses the importance of smart wagons and intelligent freight trains. In the article, the systems and technology provided by PJM are presented, too.
Online article:


2019-06-19 13_08_54-Güterverkehr_ Weg vom Abstellgleis « DiePresse.com

Project of Mercitalia and PJM in "Privatbahn Magazine"

The special interest magazine "Privatbahn Magazin" reports on the upgraded 240 Shimmns Coil Transport wagons featuring the load monitoring system of PJM. Get more information in the PDF (German language). 

In the limelight: BIG Magazine features a portrait on PJM

BIG, the monthly magazine of Graz, put PJM in the limelight. Get the "PJM story" with an interesting overview of our business fields. The article is available in German language.

Panel on automated rail freight transport

The panel discussion on "Alliance of SBB Cargo with  the industry and public authorities to automatise rail freight transport in Switzerland" took place at the TransportLogistic in Munich. Martin Joch, founder and CEO of PJM, joined the expert panel. "New technologies have a strong impact on our society. We are surrounded by intelligent systems such as Alexa, Amazon, Google & Co. Rail fraight transport needs to be contemporary, too - providing benefits for all of us. Quality of transport and saving of time are the bullet points. Furthermore  it's about creating attractive jobs. Digitalisation will provide new, interesting jobs."
Anja-Maria Sonntag, project leader automation of SBB Cargo provided insight on automisation projects and on the auotmated brake test.
Christian Radewagen, project manager of Voith, emphasised the envorinmental and competitive aspects of rail freight industry.
Arnold Berndt of the public authority "Bundesamt für Verkehr", pointed out the importance of modern rail freight transport systems. 
Photos provided with courtesy by SBB Cargo

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