Solar-energy for our measurement devices

Which solutions are the best? If they are environmentally friendly, easy to handle and reliable. For several months now, a solar panel has been  part of our testing facility team's equipment and supplies our measuring devices with solar energy. The panel can be set up in just a few steps, and a rechargeable battery guarantees a continuous supply even during tests and measurements lasting several hours.

Achieving climate neutrality depends on both large-scale measures and small steps. In the expansion of environmentally friendly rail transport, our digital overall system WaggonTracker is an essential contribution to modernising and making rail freight transport more attractive. In everyday life, we try to make our world a little more environmentally friendly with small contributions.


A good start into a "projekt-rich" year

We have started into a project-rich year. Our laboratory team is currently working on new instrumented wheel sets. The engineering experts validate existing vehicles and optimise new vehicle designs using simulation and FE calculation. The test centre team is constantly on the road for vehicle tests. Our production team is constantly engaged in the production of our digital WaggonTracker technology. The projects of railway companies and vehicle manufacturers are carried out in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland and Ireland, among others.


Merry Christmas Wishes 2022

Have a Merry Christmas,

relaxing holidays,

and a great start into 2023!


New video: Automated brake test in operation

Automated brake testing is a crucial technology when it comes to modernising rail transport. The most important advantages are obvious:

- The time saved on a 500 m long freight train is close to 40 minutes
- Realisation of one-person operation
- Faster turnaround times due to faster handling

Check out how the automated brake test works in operational use in our brand-new short clip.

Styrian Export Award 2022 for PJM

PJM was awarded the Styrian Export Prize. Our digital technology for efficient rail freight transport convinced the jury of experts, who included criteria such as degree of innovation, market potential, sustainability and local value creation in their assessment.

The award ceremony at the Aiola Castle was the highlight of the Styrian Export Day, which was organised by the ICS (Internationalisation Centre Styria). The awards in the three categories (small, medium and large enterprises) were presented by, among others, Barbara Eibinger-Miedl (member of the Styrian government), Josef Herk (President of WKO Styria) and Jürgen Roth (Supervisory Board Chairman of ICS).

This is already the 4th award for PJM this year. A strong signal for PJM's innovative strength, but also for the importance of modern, efficient and competitive rail freight transport.

Credit: Foto Fischer

ICS_Exporttag am 15.11.2022ICS_Exporttag am 15.11.2022

Technical article on condition based maintenance for intermodal train of Mercitalia

We have new reading material for you: The latest technical article in the German trade magazine "Eisenbahn Ingenieur" describes in detail how targeted monitoring saves costs, increases efficiency and enhances the safety of an intermodal train.

Technical article (in German language):



InnoTrans 2022: PJM presents rail freight solutions

Our innovations will be presented at InnoTrans! We look forward to meeting you in person and talking shop about the current topics in the industry and our solutions in digital rail freight transport, vehicle testing according to ISO/IEC 17025 and engineering. Live in Berlin - we look forward to seeing you!


2022 Innotrans LinkedIn

Summer retreat at PJM: 9x internship

Every year: This year, too, we cordially welcome 9 interns who will strengthen our team during the summer weeks. They come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. Our interns are studying different subjects at technical high schools, high shools and studies. We find that holiday jobs are doubly enriching: We are happy about fresh ideas and young people get a first insight into company structures, teamwork and our technologies.

The first three interns started in July, and in August we will be actively supported by six more. Welcome to PJM! 

Internship text with young woman

DB Cargo pilot train with automated brake testing has started parallel operation at MEG

Automated brake testing is also picking up speed in Germany. A pilot train with the automated brake testing system has been put into parallel operation by DB Cargo at Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH (MEG). The technology has been developed by PJM and has been regarded as the European reference system since the positive evaluation by TÜV. The automated brake test meets all technical and formal criteria as well as safety-relevant specifications. The next step of the approved system is the roll-out. The brake test system is also designed for further automation steps. Thanks to the energy-autonomous and efficient power supply and local radio system, the system is now available and can be used flexibly for retrofit and new vehicles. The modular design ensures compatibility with future DAC. Depending on the operating grade, the brake test will be carried out automatically 4 - 6 times a day or around 1,800 times a year.

The automated brake test is an important component in making rail freight transport more efficient, faster and more attractive. The automated system creates efficiency: the time saved for a 400-meter freight train is around 2 x 35 minutes and the process can be carried out by the locomotive driver or wagon master alone. This is a major advantage from the perspective of the future labour market. The shortage of skilled workers and shunting personnel will increase in the coming years due to demographic developments. "It's high time to replace outdated work and tedious manual tasks with automated processes. Automation brings the urgently needed efficiency boost as well as increasing the profitability of rail transport. And it creates attractive job profiles," says Günter Petschnig, CEO of PJM.


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PJ Messtechnik GmbH
PJ Monitoring GmbH

Waagner-Biro-Straße 125
8020 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 228454
Fax: +43 316 228454-15
[email protected]

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