1 year in 1 minute: The PJM review 2023

Our teams worked on 90 projects, we grew and fully automated a process for the first time in the history of rail transport. A short video portrait of our numerous activities this year.

2nd award for the "Smart Train" from Mercitalia Intermodal

2nd award for the "Smart Train" from Mercitalia Intermodal

The smartest goods train in Europe has been honoured for the second time. Following the Austrian Mobility Award 2023, which was presented to Günter Petschnig and Christoph Lorenzutti in Vienna in September, Mercitalia Intermodal - Polo Logistica Group FS was honoured as "Logistico dell'Anno 2023" in Italy. The goods train is equipped with a wide range of monitoring and automation functions based on PJM's WaggonTracker system.  Congratulations!

Details & all functions of Europes most intelligent goods train 

Artikel Auszeichnung (in italienischer Sprache)


VTG relies on automation of brake testing with PJM

VTG, Europe's leading private operator of freight wagons, will offer PJM's automatic brake testing system as a project-related equipment option. VTG is thus consistently pursuing its digitalisation strategy in order to achieve further increases in efficiency in the handling of freight trains.

Automatic brake testing is a crucial factor in the preparation of freight trains, as it is obligatory to check the brakes each time a change is made to the wagon configuration or the wagon is stationary for more than 24 hours. Hence, the potential savings for railway companies in this time-consuming process are high, both in terms of human labour and costs.

Since 2017, the technology developed by PJM and SBB Cargo has been successfully tested in pilot freight trains. Based on this extensive testing, VTG will make this system available as an equipment option. The expansion of the equipment portfolio with the automatic brake test system supports the integration of the Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) and represents another important step in the digitalisation strategy of both companies.

Media release




PJM at Railway Forum Berlin: presentation & Styrian event

The Railway Forum Berlin is Europe’s leading management conference of the railway industry. The industry get-together is taking place for the 8th time. This year, PJM will again present technological innovations in digital rail freight transport. There are several opportunities for you to see our digital solution around the WaggonTracker system live in Berlin:

  • Visit us at the joint ACStyria stand, stand C 10.
  • Short lecture by CEO Günter Petschnig: "Automation and digitalisation in intermodal transport", Thursday, 7 September, at 11.00 a.m. on the Exhibition Stage
  • Styria Coffee-Break: networking meeting with coffee and wine from the region, Wednesday, 6 September, 12:50, also at the ACStyria joint stand, stand C 10

Railway Forum Berlin, 6 - 7 September 2023

We look forward to your visit!

Invitation Styrian coffee break & wine taste: https://pjm.co.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ACStyria-Berlin-2023-Web-neu_b.pdf


New video: Automated brake test in operation

Automated brake testing is a crucial technology when it comes to modernising rail transport. The most important advantages are obvious:

- The time saved on a 500 m long freight train is close to 40 minutes
- Realisation of one-person operation
- Faster turnaround times due to faster handling

Check out how the automated brake test works in operational use in our brand-new short clip.

Export Award 2022: Gold for PJM

Export Award 2022 goes to PJM: The digitization platform WaggonTracker with the application of automatic brake testing convinced the jury of experts

The most successful exporters are brought to the stage every year. The export award, which honors innovation, market potential and export quota, among other things, was presented on June 27th. PJM was awarded gold in the Information & Consulting category. The deciding factor was the overall digital system WaggonTracker, which makes automated rail transport a reality. This includes automated brake testing for freight trains. The automated system is the first in Europe to be fully developed and to receive a positive review. "The challenge was to automate a safety-relevant process. We saw the realization of our brake test system through to the last required document. The reward for our many years of development work is the successful market entry," says CEO Martin Joch.
The 2022 Export Award was presented in five categories at a ceremony in Vienna's Museumsquartier. Despite the global lockdowns and restrictions caused by the Corona pandemic, many Austrian companies were also successful in exporting their goods and services internationally in the previous year. "These companies are drivers of growth, jobs and prosperity in Austria. Every second job in Austria depends directly or indirectly on the export success of these companies. Every year, the Export Award honors companies for their special export achievements," emphasizes WKÖ President Harald Mahrer.
"Austrian companies are role models and pioneers - especially in the field of environmental technology. They are innovative and in many cases also world market leaders in their field," Kühnel emphasized the special achievements of domestic companies.
"Our winners this year demonstrate how digitalization is being used as a means of shaping a sustainable future. This innovative strength of Austrian companies is increasingly being recognized on the global market," said deputy chairman of the federal division Martin Heimhilcher, congratulating the winners.





PJM_Exportpreis2022kleinPJM _Exportpreis_Martin Joch_klein

Already the 3rd award for PJM in this year

The export price is already the 3rd honor in this year for PJM. Last week in Utrecht (NL) the RailTech Innovation Award (audience award category) was presented to PJM. The Automatic Brake Test was also awarded. In May, a metrology project for Barcelona Metro was awarded the State Prize for Engineering Consulting.



Europe's reference system: Homologation of automated brake testing system and semi-automatic preparation of rail freight trains

PJM's innovation automated brake testing has been evaluated by TÜV and positively approved without further conditions. Hence, it is the first system in Europe meeting all technical and formal criteria and already undergoing widespread operational testing. The system for automatic checking of the wagons’ brakes and semi-automated train preparation is in use on more than 200 SBB Cargo freight wagons and 18 DB Cargo wagons as part of the AmaBPro project. Thanks to its design, it is also possible to expand the brake testing system to include future, safety-relevant applications and automated processes: "Due to the modular concept, our system can be connected with the future DAC with reasonable effort. Whichever European standard will be implemented in 2030, our system will be compatible. Thus, the urgently needed automated brake testing can be rolled out now and not just at the end of the decade," says Günter Petschnig, CEO of PJM.

Learn more in the latest pressrelease:








Mercitalia and PJM put Europe's smartest freight train on track

Mercitalia Intermodal (Polo Mercitalia – Gruppo FS Italiane) and PJM put the smartest rail freight train on track. Due to a wide range of functionalities, Mercitalia Intermodal benefits from shorter delivery times as well as condition-based maintenance providing concrete and relevant information. All this together results in savings on maintenance and servicing, more safety and greater efficiency. The gamut of functionalities comprises:

  • Condition-based monitoring in real-time
  • Multi-diagnosis system for load monitoring, brake analysis and brake system monitoring in real-time (correct function of the brakes in terms of pressure in the main pipe, load and cylinder pressure during stillstand and on the ride, brake energy analysis in order for early detection of defective and overloaded brake systems)
  • Train dynamic control to identify critical running situations and defects
  • Determination of running comfort and running safety as well as detection of longitudinal and vertical impacts
  • Real-time trestle monitoring for reliable and safe detection of the correct setting for trailer transports in the intermodal sector
  • Automated brake testing system developed by PJM, SBB Cargo and Rail Cargo Group

The integrated in-train communication is capable of transmitting data to the train driver in case of derailment, incorrect braking conditions, brake overloads, hot box warnings, trestle monitoring and any other safety-related and technical relevant problems.

This is the smartest freight train on track, providing many benefits to Mercitalia Intermodal: shorter delivery times, impactful condition-based maintenance and therefore savings on maintenance and repair work, greater safety and more efficiency.

Get all the details on the ultra-smart train including a full list of functionalities in the latest pressrelease:








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