Automated load monitoring system for DB Cargo

DB Cargo optimises the loading process of bulk cargo and equips 100 EAOS wagons with PJM's automatic load weight monitoring system. The WaggonTracker Load Monitoring System determines and displays relevant data in real time, in particular weight, overload, asymmetric loading and free capacity. Optionally, the loads on wheel discs, wheelsets and bogies can also be determined. The real-time results are displayed in the web portal or - depending on customer specifications – the results are visualised directly on the wagon by means of signal lamps. In the DB Cargo application, the automated system fulfils several parameters:

  • Control of the weighing data provided by customers
  • Avoiding of overloading
  • Avoiding time-consuming weighing carried out manually
  • Best possible utilisation and optimal utilisation of transports
  • Increased safety, as overloading of individual components is excluded

"Automatic load weight monitoring does optimise operations. By using sensors in future, the automated process will reduce the time required by determining the load weight, including its distribution," says Michael Wolkow, Head of Procurement, Equipment and Technology at DB Cargo AG.

Get more in the media release


PJM at Railway Forum Berlin: presentation & Styrian event

The Railway Forum Berlin is Europe’s leading management conference of the railway industry. The industry get-together is taking place for the 8th time. This year, PJM will again present technological innovations in digital rail freight transport. There are several opportunities for you to see our digital solution around the WaggonTracker system live in Berlin:

  • Visit us at the joint ACStyria stand, stand C 10.
  • Short lecture by CEO Günter Petschnig: "Automation and digitalisation in intermodal transport", Thursday, 7 September, at 11.00 a.m. on the Exhibition Stage
  • Styria Coffee-Break: networking meeting with coffee and wine from the region, Wednesday, 6 September, 12:50, also at the ACStyria joint stand, stand C 10

Railway Forum Berlin, 6 - 7 September 2023

We look forward to your visit!

Invitation Styrian coffee break & wine taste:


Mercitalia and PJM put Europe's smartest freight train on track

Mercitalia Intermodal (Polo Mercitalia – Gruppo FS Italiane) and PJM put the smartest rail freight train on track. Due to a wide range of functionalities, Mercitalia Intermodal benefits from shorter delivery times as well as condition-based maintenance providing concrete and relevant information. All this together results in savings on maintenance and servicing, more safety and greater efficiency. The gamut of functionalities comprises:

  • Condition-based monitoring in real-time
  • Multi-diagnosis system for load monitoring, brake analysis and brake system monitoring in real-time (correct function of the brakes in terms of pressure in the main pipe, load and cylinder pressure during stillstand and on the ride, brake energy analysis in order for early detection of defective and overloaded brake systems)
  • Train dynamic control to identify critical running situations and defects
  • Determination of running comfort and running safety as well as detection of longitudinal and vertical impacts
  • Real-time trestle monitoring for reliable and safe detection of the correct setting for trailer transports in the intermodal sector
  • Automated brake testing system developed by PJM, SBB Cargo and Rail Cargo Group

The integrated in-train communication is capable of transmitting data to the train driver in case of derailment, incorrect braking conditions, brake overloads, hot box warnings, trestle monitoring and any other safety-related and technical relevant problems.

This is the smartest freight train on track, providing many benefits to Mercitalia Intermodal: shorter delivery times, impactful condition-based maintenance and therefore savings on maintenance and repair work, greater safety and more efficiency.

Get all the details on the ultra-smart train including a full list of functionalities in the latest pressrelease:







Technical article on the load monitoring system in the magazine "Der Eisenbahningenieur"

A deep insight into the automated load monitoring system is provided by the German magazine “Der Eisenbahningenieur”. Get more on the technical design of the LoadMonitor, benefits for the loading process and medium-term and longrun positive effects.

Get the full story (in German language):




Mercer & TRANSWAGGON rely on our automated load monitoring system

Mercer is a full-service-provider for timber industry and wood owners. The portfolio of the German, innovative company comprises pulp mills and a saw mill in Germany. Hence, these figures clearly show Mercer's relevance on the European continent: Every year, Mercer purchases over 7 million bank meters of wood, among it 5 million round timber. Over 3,5 million tons of wood are transported by rail. All in all that's over 2.000 block trains per year. 

Thus, Mercer Holz is one of the biggest wooden rail logistic providers in Europe. Wood is a very valuable raw material yet "difficult" for transporters. "Due to the different density and moisture, wood can differ in weight by up to 50%", says Jürgen Köhler, Head of Logistics at Mercer Holz GmbH. This is a great uncertainty factor having a significant impact on logistics: cost-effectiveness, security and error frequency. A perfect solution is the LoadMonitor-system by PJM. In addition to important data acquisition in real time via general monitoring functions, the LoadMonitor-system provided an automated loading process. "We need reliable, stable wagons and loading security - for both shipping companies and customers", summarizes Jürgen Köhler. Now. Mercer Holz has closed the gaps in the logistics process chain with the LoadMonitor. All essential information about freight wagons as well as an automatic loading control on site are covered by just one system.

Lothar Krebs, Deputy Sales Manager of TRANSWAGGON GmbH in Hamburg, brings a different perspective from the wagon keeper's point of view. "For our customers, a big issue is when vehicles are stopped or removed from the track. That costs time and money. His experience with the LoadMonitor-system: "The use of capacity has increased a lot. It's a great benefit that the loader can immediately see whether the wagon is overloaded or not". His conclusio: "The cooperation worked very well, as did the implementation of the PJM-system and the entire project management. The system runs very smoothly". He prognoses: "Digitalising rail freight is fundamentally correct and must be the future.”

Further information on our customers:

Mercer Holz GmbH



Loading timber the easy way – thanks to the load monitoring system

Mercer Holz is a well-known company in the German timber industry. Every year, Mercer Holz purchases over 5 million cubic metres round timber and sawmill by-products. Hence, the freight volume is very high. About 1,8 million cubic metres round timber and wood chip are transported by rail. In order to simplify the loading process, Mercer Holz has implemented the Load-Monitor-system by PJM. On account of the variable density of timber, volume is not the ideal loading parameter. The load monitoring-system automatically determines the loading process on-site. The load is indicated by signal lamps on the wagon or on the display of the person being in charge of the loading process. Thus, the loading staff is assisted locally and can adjust the load immediately (e.g. in case of overload, impacts etc.). The load monitoring systems provides safety and an increase of efficiency. The load is always at an optimum level.

In February, our WaggonTracker-team has completed the project in Niesky / Germany: 157 load monitoring systems were installed on new wagons and 50 (existing) were upgraded with the PJM-systems.

Learn more about the load monitoring system:


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PJ Messtechnik GmbH
PJ Monitoring GmbH

Waagner-Biro-Straße 125
8020 Graz

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