Austrian Mobility Award 2023 for PJM

Europe's smartest goods train is Austria's best digital project and won the Austrian Mobility Award of VCÖ.

Digitalisation is a catchphrase, but in rail transport it is the game changer for improving the competitive situation and cost structure.  The pilot train of Mercitalia Intermodal Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane shows that digital technologies are no longer a vision but already part of everyday life on the rails. Getting more freight transport onto the rails is central to achieving the climate targets. To achieve this, it is also important that rail freight transport becomes more efficient. One solution is to speed up processes through increased digitalisation, as demonstrated by the "Digital Rail Transport" project of the Graz-based company PJ Monitoring. A pilot train was fully digitally equipped, from automated brake testing to ongoing monitoring. This results in shorter turnaround times and faster delivery times, reduces wear and tear and thus maintenance work, and the monitoring gives the workshop information on the problem in advance, which in turn speeds up repairs. VCÖ Managing Director Ulla Rasmussen, Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler, ÖBB-Personenverkehr Board Member Sabine Stock and Michael Braun from Siemens Mobility Austria presented the award to Günter Petschnig and Christoph Lorenzutti from PJ Monitoring.

Michael Braun from Siemens Mobility Austria congratulates the winners: "Digitalisation solutions are the key to more sustainability and environmental protection in mobility. With innovative ideas, transport becomes more efficient, more powerful and, above all, more climate-friendly."

"Freight transport is crucial for achieving the climate targets. In the future, more rail transport must be realised with fewer personnel and wagon material. The necessary increase in performance can only succeed with automation and digitalisation. The digital transformation of rail freight transport can therefore only succeed step by step. Hence it is important to use existing and future-proof technologies now in order to benefit from the many advantages today," says Günter Petschnig from PJM.

Credit: VCÖ - Mobilität mit Zukunft/APA-Fotoservice/Rudolph
Fotograf/in: Roland Rudolph


Nomination for the Austrian Mobility Award: Online voting until 23 July

Mercitalia's "super-intelligent" freight train project has convinced the jury. The most intelligent goods train in Europe is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award, carried out by the VCO.

"The most intelligent goods train in Europe by Mercitalia" is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award. Every year, the VCÖ selects the best mobility projects in several categories. A jury of experts has evaluated the top 5, now it's your turn and take part in the online voting: You can vote until 23 July (in German language). The German title of our project is: "Digitaler Bahntransport: Der intelligenteste Güterzug Europas".

Of course, our WaggonTracker is also on board as the basic system for the large number of functionalities.


Austria's VCÖ Mobility Award 2020 for WaggonTracker!

Our WaggonTracker-system was awarded with the Austrian Mobility Prize 2020 in the category "digitalisation". Federal minister Leonore Gewessler, ÖBB director Michaela Huber, Siemens Mobility CEO Arnulf Wolfram and VCÖ-CEO Willi Nowak presented the award to PJM-CEO Günter Petschnig.

The 59 members of the jury found: "We just realized that a digital system is not standard in rail freight transport. Thus, it is a big step to achieve a competitive position between road haulage and rail freight cargo. It is an innovation that was past overdue and which has great potential. A comprehensive data set is the basisfor modernisation and optimisation."

The top-class event was started with a talk of experts: Federal minister Rudolf Anschober and the guests mentioned above presented future concepts and projects. The event was hostest by TV-moderator Corinna Milborn.

VCÖ Mobility Award 2020

The Mobility Award 2020 presented by VCÖ is Austria's greatest competition for sustainable rail freight cargo and climate compatibility. Further information on

Nomination of the Mobility Award: Make your vote, too!

Yeah! The digital overall system WaggonTracker has been nominated for the Mobility Award of VCÖ, the public-benefit organisation specialising in mobility and transport. A jury of experts had evaluated 385 submissions. The WaggonTracker-system is one of the top 5 nominations in the category “digitalisation”.

That’s great: Everyone has a say – by the online public voting till 27th of July 2020. We would appreciate your vote:


  • Drag the title “Digitaler Schienengüterkehr mit dem Gesamtsystem WaggonTracker“ into the field „Ihr Siegespodest“ and nominate 2 further projects.




The Mobility Award is Austria’s largest competition for climate compatibility and sustainable goods traffic. The winner will be awarded in September 2020.

The benefits of the WaggonTracker-system are clear: One digital overall system provides a wide range of functionalities and it combines monitoring and automation. Hence, digital railway transport is becoming safer, faster and much more efficient. All in all: It is more attractive. These attributes are significant to shift transport from road to railway. Furthermore, railway transport is eco-friendly and cheaper.  


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