Lecture at International Railway Vehicle Conference in Dresden

A fixture among railway experts is the 1.5-yearly International Rail Vehicle Conference in Dresden (Internationale Schienenfahrzeug-Tagung). This year, PJM and voestalpine Track Solutions Germany GmbH also provided first-hand know-how. In the conference section wheel / rail, an insight into "rail maintenance based on smart measurements" was presented. The innovative approach of using mobile measuring technology to measure the rails and tracks of entire trams and underground trains in a short time was awarded the state prize.

The Rail Vehicle Conference was organised by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences, the Faculty of Transport Sciences "Friedrich List" at the Dresden University of Technology and DVV Media Group GmbH | Eurailpress Hamburg. Around 500 participants discussed innovations in the railway industry in a beautiful setting on the Elbe.

This year's programme (in German language): https://www.eurailpress.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Tagungsprogramm2023_v2.pdf



Rail maintenance: voestalpine Railway Systems and PJM cooperate

1 + 1 = unique. When 2 railway experts team up, they provide a holistic service portfolio. voestalpine Track Solutions Germany GmbH, a subsidiary of voestalpine Railway Systems, the global leader for railway infrastructure system solutions, are pooling their respective core competencies in rail maintenance of urban transport systems  under a new service for customers. This new holistic approach makes possible for the first time the “smart” digital measurement of rails and track on entire subways and light rail systems within a very short time, followed by processing using high-performance milling technology.


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