S-Bahn Berlin: PJM finished approval tests of new suburbal trainset

The suburban fleet of S-Bahn in Berlin will be modernised from 2021 on. 382 new vehicles will provide more comfort, light and safety. 2015, the consortium Siemens Mobility GmbH and Stadler Pankow GmbH started to develop a new trainset "DB 483 and 484". For these new trainsets, PJM was in charge of the approval tests in the fields of fatigue strength, structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies and torsional vibrations of the wheelsets. A complex projekt like this reqires a many years' experience of worldwide projects of an accredited testing facility.

These figures show the complexity of this project:

  • Periods of test runs: 10 weeks
  • Generated data from the test runs: 2 terabytes
  • 30 telemetry channels and 400 measurement channels



"Steiermag": Styrian Know-how for the powerful snow blower vehicle

The online magazine "Steiermag" focuses on positive stories on people, region and life in Styria. Among the latest articles is a project story on the approval tests of the snow blowing machine performed by PJM.  in the German special interest magazine "Privatbahnmagazin". Its latest issue reports on the PJM tests for approving the strongest snow blower vehicle.
Read the full story story (in German language): 




Rail tracks in the snow

Let it snow: Privatbahnmagazin reports on the approval tests of the powerful snow blower vehicle

"Let it snow" in the German special interest magazine "Privatbahnmagazin". Its latest issue reports on the PJM tests for approving the strongest snow blower vehicle. The figures of the vehicle Schmidt Beilhack HB1100S are impressive. 76 tons of steel, 2.200 PS and 10.000 tons snow removial per hour. For the tests of approval, AEBI Schmidt counted on the expertise of a neutral partner. Hence, PJM was in charge of the comprensive tests. Get the full story (in German language).

Press release: Testing the vehicle dynamics of the TR6000 of Indian Railways

PJM, the specialist of worldwide railway solutions, is in charge of testing the vehicle dynamics of the TR6000 for vehicle approval. The IR6000 was engineered by GE Transportation Systems, PJM’s customer is Indian Railways. The state-of-the-art diesel-electric locomotive is planned to be in operation extensively. In all the projects, PJM strives to minimise the risks. Thus, PJM is the only supplier worldwide involving hardware in the loop-simulations.  

Read more in the presse-release (available in German)

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