TRANSWAGGON: Essai de freinage automatique et fonctions WaggonTracker en option d'équipement

Pour Mercitalia Intermodal, associer l'efficacité du transport à la sécurité est une exigence importante dans le transport intermodal quotidien. C'est pourquoi le détenteur de wagons italien mise depuis plusieurs années sur des fonctionnalités de surveillance numériques et des processus automatisés. La transformation de la flotte existante en wagons de marchandises Smart Train est mise en œuvre de manière conséquente. Cette année, au moins 180 wagons supplémentaires seront modernisés, alors qu'au cours des deux années précédentes, environ 200 wagons - principalement de type T3000 - ont été mis à niveau. Dès 2017, Mercitalia Intermodal a commencé à mettre à niveau sa flotte de wagons de marchandises.

Les avantages des fonctions Smart-Train sont vastes : des délais de livraison plus courts grâce à des processus automatisés dans l'environnement de la voie, une logique de maintenance prédictive et des modèles de maintenance basés sur l'état réduisent les coûts tout en augmentant la sécurité en cas de panne, l'efficacité et la sécurité générale du transport ferroviaire.

Article sur le portail ferroviaire français "Le Rail France"

Communiqué de presse (en anglais)


Nouveau : WaggonTracker, essai de freinage automatique et LoadMonitor en format dépliant

Les informations les plus importantes, les fonctionnalités et les nombreux avantages sont résumés de manière compacte dans deux broschures.

Téléchargez la broschure de WaggonTracker avec essai de freinage (en anglais)

Téléchargement la broschure de LoadMonitor (en français) 




InnoTrans 2022: PJM en direct à Berlin!

Nos nouveautés seront présentées à InnoTrans ! Nous nous réjouissons des rencontres personnelles et des discussions professionnelles sur les thèmes actuels dans le secteur et sur nos solutions dans le domaine du fret ferroviaire numérique, des tests de véhicules selon ISO/IEC 17025 et de l'ingénierie. En direct à Berlin - nous nous réjouissons de vous voir !


2022 Innotrans LinkedIn

Technical article on the load monitoring system in the magazine "Der Eisenbahningenieur"

A deep insight into the automated load monitoring system is provided by the German magazine “Der Eisenbahningenieur”. Get more on the technical design of the LoadMonitor, benefits for the loading process and medium-term and longrun positive effects.

Get the full story (in German language):




Completed: 500+ wagons of Mercer & TRANSWAGGON equipped with automated load monitoring system

The capacity has increased many times over. Another big benefit is that the loading staff sees at once if the wagon is overloaded”, says Lothar Krebs, Deputy Sales Director of TRANSWAGGON in Hamburg when he is talking about the automated load monitoring system of PJM. Recently, the last of 512 wagons in total was equipped with the automated system. The wagons are in use by Mercer Holz which is one of the largest purchasers in Europe. More than 3.5 million tons of logs, chips and lumber are transported by rail every year.

Wood can have weight differences of up to 50% due to differences in density and moisture content which is a big uncertainty factor in loading the wagons. “We need reliable, stable monitoring of the loading process to protect against overlading of the wagons”, explains Jürgen Köhler, Division Manager for Rail and Ship Logistics at Mercer Holz. The load monitoring system meets all these demands: The system analyses the load and the load distribution during the loading process. Signal lamp indicate as soon as the maximum load capacity is reached. Further benefits:  real-time, precise and reliable data transfer and lists of train composition are provided per app, scan, NFC or manual input. “Mercer Holz pushes efficiency exemplarily and its wagon capacity is very high”, says PJM CEO Günter Petschnig. “By increasing the system efficiency and its safety significantly, the automated load monitoring system ensures a quick ROI.”

More information on the load monitoring system and its benefits:




ETR magazine reports on the load monitoring system

The German special interest magazine ETR provides a deep insight into the load monitoring system in use by Mercer & TRANSWAGGON. Timber is a "difficult" transport material, due to its varying volume.upDepending on weather conditions, the weight of wood can vary by up to 50 %. The load monitoring system ensures the optimum load capacity during the loading process.

Get the full story (in German language):



Loading timber the easy way – thanks to the load monitoring system

Mercer Holz is a well-known company in the German timber industry. Every year, Mercer Holz purchases over 5 million cubic metres round timber and sawmill by-products. Hence, the freight volume is very high. About 1,8 million cubic metres round timber and wood chip are transported by rail. In order to simplify the loading process, Mercer Holz has implemented the Load-Monitor-system by PJM. On account of the variable density of timber, volume is not the ideal loading parameter. The load monitoring-system automatically determines the loading process on-site. The load is indicated by signal lamps on the wagon or on the display of the person being in charge of the loading process. Thus, the loading staff is assisted locally and can adjust the load immediately (e.g. in case of overload, impacts etc.). The load monitoring systems provides safety and an increase of efficiency. The load is always at an optimum level.

In February, our WaggonTracker-team has completed the project in Niesky / Germany: 157 load monitoring systems were installed on new wagons and 50 (existing) were upgraded with the PJM-systems.

Learn more about the load monitoring system:


LoadMonitor in Railvolution

The international special interest magazine Railvolution reports on our load monitoring system


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