We wish you wonderful easter, a relaxing easter-weekend and health for you and your families. All the recently arisen uncertainties and imponderabilities may be pushed on the side track and a confident outlook shall be the future direction. Happy Easter!
The German special interest magazin "Privatbahnmagazin" reports on the PJM-tests for approval for Stadler Bussnang AG. Further 40 FLIRT trains will be operated by the regional railway TILO.
Get the full story in German language: https://pjm.co.at/en/wp-.content/uploads/sites/2/2020/04/PRIMA_Stadler_Flirt0320.pdf
Mercer Holz is a well-known company in the German timber industry. Every year, Mercer Holz purchases over 5 million cubic metres round timber and sawmill by-products. Hence, the freight volume is very high. About 1,8 million cubic metres round timber and wood chip are transported by rail. In order to simplify the loading process, Mercer Holz has implemented the Load-Monitor-system by PJM. On account of the variable density of timber, volume is not the ideal loading parameter. The load monitoring-system automatically determines the loading process on-site. The load is indicated by signal lamps on the wagon or on the display of the person being in charge of the loading process. Thus, the loading staff is assisted locally and can adjust the load immediately (e.g. in case of overload, impacts etc.). The load monitoring systems provides safety and an increase of efficiency. The load is always at an optimum level.
In February, our WaggonTracker-team has completed the project in Niesky / Germany: 157 load monitoring systems were installed on new wagons and 50 (existing) were upgraded with the PJM-systems.
Learn more about the load monitoring system: https://pjm.co.at/en/waggontracker/load-monitor/
It's landscape just like in a fairy tale: The approval tests of new Stadler FLIRT trains were performed amongst others on the world-famous Gotthard railway. Within the comprehensive tests, there was a focus on the aquivalent conicity of the rail-wheel-contact. Get the full project story as download or on:
The German special interest magazine "bahn manager" regularly interviews experts of railway business. On the Alpine Rail Forum in Vienna, Günter Petschnig gave an insight into the innovative project on automated brake tests (in German language).
The Austrian company innofreight is specialised on innovative haulage and logistic systems. Recently, PJM performed comprehensive impact tests for the new wagon type "Innowaggon". With various loads and by changing speed levels, the vehicle design is tested to meet the requirements for shunting operations. innofreight has provided a video on the testing procedure.
Testing Center
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