Lecture at International Railway Vehicle Conference in Dresden

A fixture among railway experts is the 1.5-yearly International Rail Vehicle Conference in Dresden (Internationale Schienenfahrzeug-Tagung). This year, PJM and voestalpine Track Solutions Germany GmbH also provided first-hand know-how. In the conference section wheel / rail, an insight into "rail maintenance based on smart measurements" was presented. The innovative approach of using mobile measuring technology to measure the rails and tracks of entire trams and underground trains in a short time was awarded the state prize.

The Rail Vehicle Conference was organised by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences, the Faculty of Transport Sciences "Friedrich List" at the Dresden University of Technology and DVV Media Group GmbH | Eurailpress Hamburg. Around 500 participants discussed innovations in the railway industry in a beautiful setting on the Elbe.

This year's programme (in German language): https://www.eurailpress.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Tagungsprogramm2023_v2.pdf



Dynamic tests, instrumented wheel-sets and simulation for Rhaetian Rail

Projects always take our measurement technology team to particularly beautiful places. This was also the case recently in Switzerland. The Rhaetian Railway makes railway hearts beat faster. The track is one of the most beautiful in the world, and the Bernina and Albula lines are even UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition to the picturesque landscape, the technical requirements are fascinating. Typical for the metre gauge track are curves up to 45 m radius and gradients up to 70 ‰. The Allegra multiple-unit train made by Stadler AG, which is used on this line in various vehicle configurations, is perfectly tailored to these high line requirements. In order to test the running characteristics of different train compositions under special operating conditions, PJM was commissioned with running tests.

The project was carried out in several parts by the experienced system specialist from Austria:

  • In the preliminary stage, the wheel-rail forces as well as occurring buffer forces were determined by simulations. In this way, critical conditions or constellations could be resolved computationally. Another advantage is that this keeps the metrological effort to a minimum.
  • Instrumented wheel sets, accelerators, transducers as well as measuring buffers were prepared in the usual way at the company's location in Graz and then installed on the test vehicle at the RhB main workshop in Landquart.
  • The measurement campaign was carried out on the track between Poschiavo and Alp Grüm. In real operation, the running behaviour was tested under increased operating forces. The test runs took place in November 2022. The data analysis and report were recently completed.

Further information in the media release: https://pjm.co.at/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/02/PI-PJM-Rhaetian-Rail-Web-02-2023-EN.pdf


A good start into a "projekt-rich" year

We have started into a project-rich year. Our laboratory team is currently working on new instrumented wheel sets. The engineering experts validate existing vehicles and optimise new vehicle designs using simulation and FE calculation. The test centre team is constantly on the road for vehicle tests. Our production team is constantly engaged in the production of our digital WaggonTracker technology. The projects of railway companies and vehicle manufacturers are carried out in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland and Ireland, among others.


Mobile calibration test rig for instrumented wheelsets

Precision is the top priority in metrology, and calibration is a crucial factor. To ensure measurement reliability even for projects on site, PJM has developed a mobile calibration test stand. The advantages:

  • After reprofiling the measuring wheel sets, recalibration can be performed on site.
  • The new type of test stand enables unprecedented performance.
  • The test stand is easy to transport and is therefore ideally suited for worldwide use.

The mobile calibration test stand has already proven its worth during the first "field test" and was used in a project for the Rhaetian Railway. Thus we can react quickly and flexibly to customer requirements even under challenging conditions. 


Nightjets of ÖBB: Measuring wheel sets and approval tests

In future, a total of 33 Nightjets of the new Viaggio Next Level generation from Siemens Mobility will ensure comfortable and at the same time climate-friendly travel in Central Europe. For the approval of the newly developed passenger coaches, PJM is on board as an accredited test center according to ISO/IEC 17025. The Austrian system specialist was commissioned for the overall approval in cooperation with ÖBB. The contract specifically includes the instrumented wheel sets as well as the approval tests in the areas of running behavior, fatigue strength, acoustics and aerodynamics.

6 instrumented wheel sets were developed and manufactured in Graz and then installed in the test vehicle at the ÖBB plant in Vienna. The test runs started in autumn 2021. The test train is in use throughout the entire Austrian rail network. To evaluate derailment safety, the first approval tests started in the field of running behavior, after which the bogies were upgraded for the test runs in the area fatigue strength. Finally, high-speed measurements follow for the aerodynamics area. The acoustic tests will complete the approval tests. "For an extensive project like this, it is above all our metrology expertise and experience in bringing together all specialist areas that prove their worth. Our flexibility and routine, which we have gained from our numerous international projects, are also essential. Due to the weather, there are always changes in procedures, for example during test runs in winter on the Arlberg at 1,000 m above sea level," explains Martin Joch, CEO of PJM. "A good collaboration with the project partners is also immensely important in large-scale projects. The cooperation with ÖBB's measurement group is excellent."

Get more in the media release:




PJM_Nightjet klein @Credit PJM

InnoTrans 2022: PJM presents rail freight solutions

Our innovations will be presented at InnoTrans! We look forward to meeting you in person and talking shop about the current topics in the industry and our solutions in digital rail freight transport, vehicle testing according to ISO/IEC 17025 and engineering. Live in Berlin - we look forward to seeing you!


2022 Innotrans LinkedIn

Static strength measurements in the factory enabled by a mobile pressure frame

The key data of Plasser & Theurer's 09-3X track tamping machine are impressive: 80 tonnes net weight, 35 m length, 8 axles, and 3-sleeper tamping units ensure powerful and efficient working. To determine the stresses and deformations of the vehicle frame, PJM carried out pressure frame tests according to EN 12663-1. The strength tests were performed at the Linz factory of the technology leader and manufacturer of track maintenance machines. This has clear advantages for the machine manufacturer: the entire on-site infrastructure is used and any adaptations to the object can be coordinated with the design engineers and immediately implemented. Using PJM’s mobile pressure frame allows the tests to be carried out directly in the factory.

Thanks to its modular design, the pressure frame is suitable for every type of vehicle. It has proven its effectiveness in static tests in numerous projects.

"Testing with the mobile pressure frame at the customer's site provides full transparency for the calculation engineers with regard to test procedure. It also greatly facilitates validating the calculation models. This approach ensures the least possible amount of time is spent in projects," explains Martin Joch, CEO of PJM. "PJM handled the measurements very efficiently and professionally. We greatly benefitted from the fact that they were carried out on our premises in Linz," confirms Andreas Pumberger, Head of Railway Testing Lab, Plasser & Theurer.

PJM supported AVENIO's factory approval in Vienna for BSAG Bremen

Factory approvals for railway vehicles are crucial and necessary, yet they are an immense undertaking for manufacturers and customers. Technique, features and technical realisation of the vehicle’s components are checked very thoroughly. Ideally, possible amendments are performed by the manufacturer. The checks are known to be very time-consuming but in times of Corona the effort is even much higher. Among others, in times of permanently changing conditions and difficult circumstances a reliable completion is very important. Above all, the quality of the numerous tests and checks is top priority. PJM perfectly meets all these requirements. As accredited testing facility according to ISO/IEC 17025, PJM is highly specialised in the field of testing railway vehicles. Expertise and many years’ experience in project management gained from projects in over 30 countries complete each other.

For Bremer Straßenbahn AG, all of this was relevant for the factory approval of the new tram fleet AVENIO and sums up to two essential prerequisites: A reliable factory approval and a technical acceptance test on time. Thus, BSAG Bremen relied on PJM’s expertise as independent testing facility. PJM supported TÜV Nord in terms of approving 30 AVENIO vehicles which were produced in Vienna. In addition, PJM supported the production’s completion.


Credit: https://press.siemens.com/global/de/pressemitteilung/neue-strassenbahn-flotte-fuer-bremen-kommt-von-siemens

Siemens liefert zehn weitere Straßenbahnen für Bremen / Siemens delivers an additional ten trams for Bremen

New loading scheme: 25 % more transportation capacity

As an overall logistics provider, Innofreight develops innovative solutions and thus optimises rail freight transport. One of the latest innovations is the further development of the double wagon IW 90 ft Gigawood to transport log wood and timber. In order to realise new rail freight concepts, Innofreight counts on the engineering and testing expertise of PJM.

Due to the adapted loading scheme of the vehicle, the carrying capacity was increased by 25 %. Thus, more capacity also results in more competitiveness to shift goods traffic from road to rail. 



"kleine Zeitung" reports on PJM autonomous measuring system

The local daily newspaper "Kleine Zeitung" reports on our innovation autonomous measuring system. 

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