For enthusiastic readers and all those who love to be informed - the second issue of PJMagazine is out now!

For enthusiastic readers and all those who love to be informed - the second issue of PJMagazine is out now!
Mercitalia Rail joins the innovative project
Mercitalia Rail joined the cooperation with Rail Cargo Group and SBB Cargo in spring 2018. The partners signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the projects of automatic brake tests and direct communication from freight wagon to the staff.
The main aim of the Austrian, Swiss and Italian cargo partners is to develop a new communication standard and to implement various intelligent European user cases.
First pilot train in operation since August 2017
In May 2017, SBBC, RCG and PJM communicated to cooperate. Now, the first pilot train has been in operation since August 2017. The first train started in Switzerland, the Austrian train started in August 2018.
Testing Center
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