Lenzing AG: LoadMonitor upgrade of further 106 wagons

Lenzing AG, a global player based in Austria, decided to upgrade further 106 wagons with an automated load monitoring system provided by the WaggonTracker-platform. Its benefits are manifold: The load is monitored during the loading process and thus ensures an optimum load capacity. This results in cost-savings and an increase of efficiency and safety by preventing overload. 

Further information on the automated load monitoring system: https://pjm.co.at/en/waggontracker/load-monitor/


Privatbahn: Focus on the automated load monitoring system

The special interest magazine reports on the multiple features provided by the load monitoring system and its benefits for wagon keepers and fleet operators (in German language). 






LoadMonitor in Railvolution

The international special interest magazine Railvolution reports on our load monitoring system


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