2nd award for the "Smart Train" from Mercitalia Intermodal

2nd award for the "Smart Train" from Mercitalia Intermodal

The smartest goods train in Europe has been honoured for the second time. Following the Austrian Mobility Award 2023, which was presented to Günter Petschnig and Christoph Lorenzutti in Vienna in September, Mercitalia Intermodal - Polo Logistica Group FS was honoured as "Logistico dell'Anno 2023" in Italy. The goods train is equipped with a wide range of monitoring and automation functions based on PJM's WaggonTracker system.  Congratulations!

Details & all functions of Europes most intelligent goods train 

Artikel Auszeichnung (in italienischer Sprache)


"Der Eisenbahningenieur": An analysis of the automated brake test system and its benefits

The well-respected magazine "Der Eisenbahningenieur" provides a profound insight by Günter Petschnig and Christoph Lorenzutti: An analysis on requirements and benefits of a system for automated brake testing in rail freight. 

Get the full story (in German language):




A short video portrait of the WaggonTracker system provided by Houska Award 2020

All crucial features on our WaggonTracker system are shown in a less-than-2-minutes-video. The film crew of the Houska Award 2020 has packed the technology of our digital overall system in a "how to explain the WaggonTracker assets video" (in German language).

The WaggonTracker system was nominated the renowned Houska Award 2020 and thus among the best five Austrian research projects.


Credit: With courtesy of houskapreis.at


Mercitalia Rail: Intelligent freight wagons are ready to go

Mercitalia upgraded 240 Shimmns Coil Transport Wagons with the monitoring system WaggonTracker ADV

The multi-functional system provides comprehensive information in a very clear and well-arranged way:

  • Weighting analysis including a precise load analysis (e.g. asymmetric load). The staff gets all the required information on the ground. Thus it is possible to correct the loads if necessary.
  • Monitoring of any impacts during standstill
  • Running-gear monitoring on the ride

PJM installed the intelligent monitoring system on the wagons of the latest generation ex works. 200 wagons are ready to go for Mercitalia, another 40 will be delivered in March.

Innotrans 2018

InnoTrans 2018 – PJM presented numerous novelties

At the international trade fair InnoTrans in Berlin, PJM presented novelties of its main business fields:

  • „WaggonTracker“ was the focus in terms of rail freight digitalisation. The monitoring system „WaggonTracker“ is the state-of-the-art solution for intelligent wagon trains. In regards of digitalisation of business processes, PJM presented next steps of „automated brake trials“, which is developed by the innovation’s alliance of SBB Cargo, RCG, Mercitalia and PJM.
  • In the field of engineering, the innovative freight wagon „TransAnt“ of RCG was presented at the open-air exhibition ground. PJM was in charge of topology optimisation.
  • PJM informed of its comprehensive portfolio of accredited testing facility.

More than 150.000 people from 149 countries visited the international trade show of mobility in Berlin, which is one of the leading international trade fairs.


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