PJM group showcasing at InnoTrans 2024

The "International Trade Fair for Transport Technology" is the industry get-together of the year. PJM will  be showcasing innovations, solutions and technologies from our accredited test centre, measurement technology, digital rail freight transport, authorisation and project management and conformity assessment. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!

  • 24-27 September 2024
  • Halle A / Stand 220
  • ExpoCenter City, Berlin

Facts & figures on InnoTrans 

  • Around 2,800 exhibitors from 56 countries
  • 200,000 m² of exhibition space
  • Around 138,000 visitors are expected



Nomination for the Austrian Mobility Award: Online voting until 23 July

Mercitalia's "super-intelligent" freight train project has convinced the jury. The most intelligent goods train in Europe is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award, carried out by the VCO.

"The most intelligent goods train in Europe by Mercitalia" is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award. Every year, the VCÖ selects the best mobility projects in several categories. A jury of experts has evaluated the top 5, now it's your turn and take part in the online voting: You can vote until 23 July (in German language). The German title of our project is: "Digitaler Bahntransport: Der intelligenteste Güterzug Europas". 


Of course, our WaggonTracker is also on board as the basic system for the large number of functionalities.


Digital freight train by SBB Cargo: Pilot project was launched

SBB Cargo is a pioneer in the automation of rail transport. Now an international consortium has launched the pilot train "DAC+". On board is the automatic brake test from PJM, among many other features provided by international consortium partners. 

The consortium's goal is to advance automation and digitalisation in rail freight transport and thus, among other things, single-person operation. The centrepiece is the recently launched digital pilot train "DAC+".

More on this in the media info released by SBB Cargo:



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DB Cargo pilot train with automated brake testing has started parallel operation at MEG

Automated brake testing is also picking up speed in Germany. A pilot train with the automated brake testing system has been put into parallel operation by DB Cargo at Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH (MEG). The technology has been developed by PJM and has been regarded as the European reference system since the positive evaluation by TÜV. The automated brake test meets all technical and formal criteria as well as safety-relevant specifications. The next step of the approved system is the roll-out. The brake test system is also designed for further automation steps. Thanks to the energy-autonomous and efficient power supply and local radio system, the system is now available and can be used flexibly for retrofit and new vehicles. The modular design ensures compatibility with future DAC. Depending on the operating grade, the brake test will be carried out automatically 4 - 6 times a day or around 1,800 times a year.

The automated brake test is an important component in making rail freight transport more efficient, faster and more attractive. The automated system creates efficiency: the time saved for a 400-meter freight train is around 2 x 35 minutes and the process can be carried out by the locomotive driver or wagon master alone. This is a major advantage from the perspective of the future labour market. The shortage of skilled workers and shunting personnel will increase in the coming years due to demographic developments. "It's high time to replace outdated work and tedious manual tasks with automated processes. Automation brings the urgently needed efficiency boost as well as increasing the profitability of rail transport. And it creates attractive job profiles," says Günter Petschnig, CEO of PJM.


Sales cooperation of Voith and PJM: Product portfolios expanded by WaggonTracker and CargoFlex

The worldwide operating technology group Voith, headquartered in Heidenheim, and the Austrian systems specialist for rail transport PJM are bundling their expertise in rail freight transport and becoming sales partners. With immediate effect, the digital WaggonTracker platform will complement the Voith Group's product portfolio and sales network. The two companies are thus expanding their development cooperation in the field of digitized logistics management, announced in the fall of 2021, to include a sales partnership. "PJM's solution is since a decade and with multiple thousands of installations the technical benchmark at the market, Voith is thus very happy to have such a product in our sales portfolio", Matheus Habets, Vice President Product Management Digitalization Mobility. "Innovation and automation drive rail freight forward, which is urgently needed for climate policy. We are proud to have Voith as an innovative partner with profound industry knowledge and a global sales and service network", Günter Petschnig, CEO of PJM.

The WaggonTracker system is a globally unique digital overall system that combines monitoring and automation. Among other things, the system is the basis of automated brake testing, which is an essential element in the modernization of rail freight transport. PJM's automated brake testing system was recently positively evaluated as the first reference system in Europe and is already undergoing extensive operational trials. Voith is one of the leading manufacturers of coupler systems. The CargoFlex automatic freight coupler, which has been successfully used on hundreds of freight wagons for years, is just one of numerous innovations. The proven innovations WaggonTracker and CargoFlex complement each other ideally as an overall system solution for digital and automated freight transport. The automatic freight coupling leads to a higher competitiveness of rail freight transport, due to, among other things, faster shunting processes and train formation, increased work safety, shorter transport times and a higher driving speed.

Get the full press release: https://pjm.co.at/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/04/2022-04-PI-Voith-PJM-Vertriebskooperation-E-1.pdf





Europe's reference system: Homologation of automated brake testing system and semi-automatic preparation of rail freight trains

PJM's innovation automated brake testing has been evaluated by TÜV and positively approved without further conditions. Hence, it is the first system in Europe meeting all technical and formal criteria and already undergoing widespread operational testing. The system for automatic checking of the wagons’ brakes and semi-automated train preparation is in use on more than 200 SBB Cargo freight wagons and 18 DB Cargo wagons as part of the AmaBPro project. Thanks to its design, it is also possible to expand the brake testing system to include future, safety-relevant applications and automated processes: "Due to the modular concept, our system can be connected with the future DAC with reasonable effort. Whichever European standard will be implemented in 2030, our system will be compatible. Thus, the urgently needed automated brake testing can be rolled out now and not just at the end of the decade," says Günter Petschnig, CEO of PJM.

Learn more in the latest pressrelease:








ERCI Webinar: Data-driven applications for smart railway operations

The European Railway Cluster Initiative and AC Styria have organised a webinar (free of charge). We are happy to have an active part as "Best SME". Günter Petschnig will provide an insight into our digital overall system WaggonTracker combining monitoring functions and automated processes such as automatic brake test and load monitoring. Learn more on the systems' benifits like an increased efficiency in rail freight:

2.2.2022,  10:00 - 11:30 p.m.

Registration and further information: https://mobilitaet-bb.de/en/calendar/erci-webinar-data-driven-applications-smart-railway-operation-services



Shift2Rail: Technologies for sustainable and attractive rail freight cargo in Europe

PJM is one of 14 Austrian enterprises and research institutions pushing technology and further development of a sustainable and attractive rail freight. In this big initiative, PJM‘s know-how is crucial:

  • The so-called core market wagon is a “high-tech-train” equipped with digital technologies. PJM’s sensor technology will be on board, too.
  • In autumn 2021, a train of the “Styrian Regional Train” will be equipped with comprehensive monitoring functionalities. The focus will be condition based maintenance. AC2T will be in charge of lubricants monitoring, PJM will be responsible for measurement technology, wagon integration and power supply.

Shift2Rail is a public-private-partnership of the European Union and the European railway sector. The aim of the research and innovation undertaking is to ensure and strengthen the competitiveness of the European railway industry and to support achieving the shift to rail road traffic which is defined in the white paper of transport and traffic. For this undertaking, 920 million Euros in a period or six months are at disposal, from which 450 million Euros coming from Horizon 2020 which is the EU-programme for research and innovation. Another 470 million Euros come from the founding members and associated members. Companies and research institution of Austria are represented by three associated members, among them the VVAC+ („Virtual Vehicle Austria Consortium+“) with 12 Austrian and one Slovak partner and the das EUROC („EUropean Rail Operating community Consortium“). 

Long train moving to station

PJM joins symposium "Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021"

Our CEO Martin Joch is one of the speaking experts on the symposium: “Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021”. The availability of vehicles is a relevant indicator for railway companies. Martin Joch will present technology and benefits of the autonomous measuring system: “On board monitoring to increase the vehicle’s availability". Comprehensive monitoring of freight wagons creates profound data which is the basis for further decision making such as service and maintenance intervals, damage analysis etc.

The symposium is organised by the Austrian ÖVG and Schuster + Schuster Traffi Infrastructure Consulting and will place on June, 15th in Lower Austria.

Program and registration: https://schuster2-consulting.at/event/fachtagung-monitoring-rad-schiene-2021/




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