Nomination pour le RailTech Innovation Award : votez pour le prix du public !

Notre essai de freinage automatisé révolutionnaire a été nominé pour le RailTech Innovation Award 2022. Un jury composé d'experts du secteur a sélectionné les trois meilleures innovations. Le gagnant sera présenté le 21 juin au soir.

Vous aussi, vous pouvez participer ! Votez pour votre innovation préférée. Le vote du public est ouvert jusqu'au 21 juin, 14h00.



Une expertise croissante en mesure : nous accueillons trois nouveaux techniciens

Nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir trois nouveaux membres dans notre équipe de mesure ! Ces dernières semaines, deux nouveaux collègues ont déjà eu un aperçu de notre secteur technique de mesure et analyse de données. Le troisième nouveau collègue a commencé à la mi-mai. Le secteur ferroviaire offre tant de domaines spécialisés intéressants et d'emplois d'avenir "respectueux du climat" - nous sommes heureux que de jeunes techniciens s'y intéressent !


 Image fournies par Pexels Maria Tyutina




PJM awarded Austrian National Award for Engineering Consulting

PJM was awarded the Austrian National Award for Engineering Consulting 2021 on May, 11th. The submitted project convinced the 13 experts of the expert jury chaired by DI Dr. Peter Holzer.

A new technical procedure was developed, which was applied among others for the Barcelona metro, with which the rails and tracks of city railways and underground trains can be measured smartly and digitally in a short time. For this, mobile measuring technology is used that is installed on an existing vehicle - instead of conventional measuring trains. These cannot be used for urban railways due to the smaller clearance gauge profiles. "The jury is unanimously convinced that the attractiveness of inner-city public transport can be increased with this technology, because the availability, safety and comfort of passengers is significantly increased", states the jury.

"What a great award! The expert jury looked at our solution in detail and asked well-founded questions. The State Prize is a wonderful confirmation of our daily striving for reliable solutions and innovative concepts. A big thank you also to our client voestalpine Tracking Solutions Germany GmbH," says Martin Joch, CEO of PJM.

About the State Prize

The State Prize for Consulting has been awarded by the Ministry of Economics since 1990, since 2010 alternately for "Engineering Consulting" (organiser: Austrian Consultants Association - ACA) and for "Management Consulting and Information Technology".

The awarded project

Photos: With courtesy of BMDW © Silveri Matthias



Coopération commerciale entre Voith et PJM

Le groupe mondial de technique d'exploitation Voith, dont le siège est à Heidenheim, et le spécialiste autrichien des systèmes de transport ferroviaire PJM unissent leurs compétences dans le domaine du transport ferroviaire de marchandises et deviennent partenaires commerciaux. La plateforme numérique WaggonTracker complète dès à présent le portefeuille de produits et le réseau de distribution du groupe Voith. Les deux entreprises font ainsi évoluer leur coopération de développement dans le domaine de la gestion logistique numérisée, annoncée à l'automne 2021, en un partenariat commercial. „La solution de PJM est depuis une décennie et avec plusieurs milliers d'installations la référence technique sur le marché, Voith est donc très heureux d'avoir un tel produit dans notre portefeuille de vente", Matheus Habets, Vice President Product Management Digitalization Mobility. "L'innovation et l'automatisation font progresser le transport ferroviaire, dont nous avons urgemment besoin en termes de politique climatique. Nous sommes fiers d'avoir Voith comme partenaire innovant avec une connaissance approfondie de l'industrie et un réseau mondial de vente et de service", Günter Petschnig, PDG de PJM.

Le système WaggonTracker est un système numérique global unique au monde qui combine surveillance et automatisation. Le système est, entre autres, la base de l'essai de freinage automatisé, qui est un élément essentiel de la modernisation du transport ferroviaire de marchandises. Le système automatisé d'essai de freins de PJM a récemment été évalué positivement en tant que premier système de référence en Europe et fait déjà l'objet d'essais opérationnels approfondis. Voith est l'un des principaux fabricants de systèmes d'attelage. L'attelage automatique CargoFlex, utilisé avec succès depuis des années sur des centaines de wagons de marchandises, n'est qu'une des nombreuses innovations. Les innovations éprouvées WaggonTracker et CargoFlex se complètent idéalement en tant que solution globale pour le transport numérique et automatisé de marchandises. L'attelage automatique de fret conduit à une plus grande compétitivité du transport ferroviaire de marchandises, grâce, entre autres, à des processus de manœuvre et de formation de trains accélérés, à une sécurité de travail accrue, à des temps de transport plus courts et à une vitesse de conduite plus élevée.

Lire le communiqué de presse complet:





Metro Barcelona: Mobile rail milling and monitoring project successfully completed by voestalpine and PJM

The unique service portfolio „efficient rail maintenance in three steps” was presented by voestalpine Railway Systems and PJM only last summer. Recently, the first project was successfully completed. Measuring sensors were installed on an existing vehicle of Metro Barcelona, hence the rail measuring was performed automatically. Within a short time, numerous parameters were determined continuously on all metro lines, such as e.g. the quality of the transverse and longitudinal rail profile, the track gauge, and the vertical rail wear. The generated data was digitized and visualized in the form of a network condition report.

Targeted rail maintenance actions were planned, based on the rail measurement results. Subsequently, rails of over 50km of track, including for the first time turnouts, were efficiently milled by voestalpine Track Solutions Germany using its high-performance rail milling technology. After this process, the rails in track and turnouts were restored to an almost as-new condition. The focus lied on eliminating so-called corrugation on the rail running surface. As a result, unwanted noise emissions during subway operation were significantly reduced and travel comfort for passengers was increased. After completing the milling works, a second measurement campaign was carried out in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of rail milling as well as to provide objective evidence of the improved condition.

What are the benefits for the operator of Metro Barcelona? Objective condition data enables efficient and targeted action planning for rail maintenance. In combination with mobile rail milling, identified rail damage can immediately and sustainably be maintained and restored. This reduces unwanted noise emissions, increases travel comfort, and extends the rail service life.







Automated Brake TestAutomated Brake Test

Martin Joch, CEO of PJM, summarizes: “The use of smart measurement technology and the integrated approach to determine rail condition in combination with maintenance measures, enables the operator to significantly increase efficiency in the operation of the infrastructure. Simultaneously, the risk of unplanned maintenance work at short notice is drastically reduced.”

Johannes Wundersamer, Vice President Sales of voestalpine Track Solutions Germany, a subsidiary of voestalpine Railway Systems, says: „With our milling service, operational rail damage in track and turnouts can sustainably be restored. In order to plan this maintenance measure efficiently, it is very important to have the best possible knowledge of the rail condition in advance. With our combined services, including rail measurement technology, we offer an all-round carefree package for our customers.”


Further information & project video:


Mercitalia and PJM put Europe's smartest freight train on track

Mercitalia Intermodal (Polo Mercitalia – Gruppo FS Italiane) and PJM put the smartest rail freight train on track. Due to a wide range of functionalities, Mercitalia Intermodal benefits from shorter delivery times as well as condition-based maintenance providing concrete and relevant information. All this together results in savings on maintenance and servicing, more safety and greater efficiency. The gamut of functionalities comprises:

  • Condition-based monitoring in real-time
  • Multi-diagnosis system for load monitoring, brake analysis and brake system monitoring in real-time (correct function of the brakes in terms of pressure in the main pipe, load and cylinder pressure during stillstand and on the ride, brake energy analysis in order for early detection of defective and overloaded brake systems)
  • Train dynamic control to identify critical running situations and defects
  • Determination of running comfort and running safety as well as detection of longitudinal and vertical impacts
  • Real-time trestle monitoring for reliable and safe detection of the correct setting for trailer transports in the intermodal sector
  • Automated brake testing system developed by PJM, SBB Cargo and Rail Cargo Group

The integrated in-train communication is capable of transmitting data to the train driver in case of derailment, incorrect braking conditions, brake overloads, hot box warnings, trestle monitoring and any other safety-related and technical relevant problems.

This is the smartest freight train on track, providing many benefits to Mercitalia Intermodal: shorter delivery times, impactful condition-based maintenance and therefore savings on maintenance and repair work, greater safety and more efficiency.

Get all the details on the ultra-smart train including a full list of functionalities in the latest pressrelease:







Cooperation of Voith and PJM in the spotlight of ACStyria's magazine

The magazine of the mobility cluster ACStyria reports on our cooperation with Voith. The companies focus on developing a system that combines coupler-assisted automatic train inauguration and the safe remote-controlled decoupling of freight cars with an automatic coupler. Get the full story (in German language):







ERCI Webinar: Data-driven applications for smart railway operations

The European Railway Cluster Initiative and AC Styria have organised a webinar (free of charge). We are happy to have an active part as "Best SME". Günter Petschnig will provide an insight into our digital overall system WaggonTracker combining monitoring functions and automated processes such as automatic brake test and load monitoring. Learn more on the systems' benifits like an increased efficiency in rail freight:

2.2.2022,  10:00 - 11:30 p.m.

Registration and further information:



PJM supported AVENIO's factory approval in Vienna for BSAG Bremen

Factory approvals for railway vehicles are crucial and necessary, yet they are an immense undertaking for manufacturers and customers. Technique, features and technical realisation of the vehicle’s components are checked very thoroughly. Ideally, possible amendments are performed by the manufacturer. The checks are known to be very time-consuming but in times of Corona the effort is even much higher. Among others, in times of permanently changing conditions and difficult circumstances a reliable completion is very important. Above all, the quality of the numerous tests and checks is top priority. PJM perfectly meets all these requirements. As accredited testing facility according to ISO/IEC 17025, PJM is highly specialised in the field of testing railway vehicles. Expertise and many years’ experience in project management gained from projects in over 30 countries complete each other.

For Bremer Straßenbahn AG, all of this was relevant for the factory approval of the new tram fleet AVENIO and sums up to two essential prerequisites: A reliable factory approval and a technical acceptance test on time. Thus, BSAG Bremen relied on PJM’s expertise as independent testing facility. PJM supported TÜV Nord in terms of approving 30 AVENIO vehicles which were produced in Vienna. In addition, PJM supported the production’s completion.



Siemens liefert zehn weitere Straßenbahnen für Bremen / Siemens delivers an additional ten trams for Bremen

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