200 km/h on the Westbahn: Vehicle tests applying a digital measuring system

The private railway WESTBahn is operating in 2-hours-cycles from Vienna via Linz to Salzburg. The fleet consists of double deck trains of the type KISS by Stadler Rail. Henceforth, parts of the fleet will be operated by DB. For the extended approval of Germany, PJM was in charge of the type tests in the field of brakes and acoustics. "The test runs were successfully performed in a very short time frame", says Martin Joch. The three main factors for this were:

  • Due to a limited timetable, the "Corona weeks" in March were ideal to perform the test runs.
  • To a great extent, the measurement chain was digitalised. The advantages of a digital measurement system are the reduced cabling efforts and a much higher interference resistance. Within a short period, our team had implemented a measuring system comprising 200 sensors.
  • The many years' experience and great committment of our measurement team.

The static tets, dynamic brake tests and tests of the wheel slide protection system were performed under varying conditions, such as differing conditions of the track and varying speed ranging from 80 to the maximum of 200 km/h.


Key player: The automatic brake test in the one-person-operated-train

10 minutes instead of 40: This crucial time saving is no longer just a future vision but reality. The automatic brake test has been in operation on rail freight trains by SBB Cargo. By the end of the tests, 1 million km will have been run. Regarding the development of the automatic brake test, crucial know-how comes from PJM. Get more about the status quo of the “one-person-operated-train” by SBB Cargo and the automatic brake test developed by SBB Cargo, PJM and Rail Cargo Austria in the latest issue of the German special interest magazine PJM.





Nomination of the Mobility Award: Make your vote, too!

Yeah! The digital overall system WaggonTracker has been nominated for the Mobility Award of VCÖ, the public-benefit organisation specialising in mobility and transport. A jury of experts had evaluated 385 submissions. The WaggonTracker-system is one of the top 5 nominations in the category “digitalisation”.

That’s great: Everyone has a say – by the online public voting till 27th of July 2020. We would appreciate your vote:


  • Drag the title “Digitaler Schienengüterkehr mit dem Gesamtsystem WaggonTracker“ into the field „Ihr Siegespodest“ and nominate 2 further projects.




The Mobility Award is Austria’s largest competition for climate compatibility and sustainable goods traffic. The winner will be awarded in September 2020.

The benefits of the WaggonTracker-system are clear: One digital overall system provides a wide range of functionalities and it combines monitoring and automation. Hence, digital railway transport is becoming safer, faster and much more efficient. All in all: It is more attractive. These attributes are significant to shift transport from road to railway. Furthermore, railway transport is eco-friendly and cheaper.  


That rocks: Summer internship at PJM

"Learning the purpose of what you learn in school", that's the main motive of an internship. At PJM, 7 trainees get insight into our everyday business. "We want to give young people a chance to gain experience and get to know the railway business", say Martin Joch and Günter Petschnig.

In week 2 of July, three trainees started the "training on the job" at PJM, four pupils will start in August. We cordially welcome you at PJM!

Internship concept with man holding a tablet

Online-Workshop: Profitable modernisation of freight wagons

How to upgrade existing freight wagons without major financial expenses? How to install an automatic brake test on an existing rail freight car and to receive an accreditation? These questions and many more will be answered on 8th of July in the online workshop " Profitable modernisation of freight wagons".
Among the 4 experts is Alexander Schimanofsky, director of Railway Competence and Certification GmbH (RCC). RCC had supported the PJM-development of the automatic brake test by providing a CSM-compatible development process or normative analysis.
Thesafe.tech 2020 workshop is provided by TÜV SÜD and is held in German language

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