Privatbahn: Focus on the automated load monitoring system

The special interest magazine reports on the multiple features provided by the load monitoring system and its benefits for wagon keepers and fleet operators (in German language). 






Hot off the press: PJMagazine out now!

For enthusiastic readers and all those who love to be informed - the second issue of PJMagazine is out now!






"The awarded innovations" presented by "Kleine Zeitung"

The daily newspaper "Kleine Zeitung" presents all the winners of the Fast Forward Award and their innovation projects. The WaggonTracker system of PJ Monitoring was awarded in the category "medium sized enterprise".






All about WaggonTracker in the ETR magazine

Get an overview of the functionalities of the WaggonTracker system in the current issue of ETR magazine.



Innovation at its best: Fast Forward Award 2019 goes to PJM

The grand business prize “Fast Forward Award” was awarded to PJM. The jury of experts appreciated the innovative power of the WaggonTracker system and designated PJM winner of the competition.

Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, member of the Styrian government and Christoph Ludwig, CEO of SFG, presented the award to Günter Petschnig, CEO of PJM.

Günter Petschnig thanked the PJM-team but also emphasized the relevance of the WaggonTracker-system in terms of environment: “In these days, reducing CO2 emission is a big issue. A monitoring system is crucial to make rail freight transport more attractive, faster and more transparent – and thus achieving a shift from road transport to railway transport.”

The Fast Forward Award is enabled by the SFG. The participating companies have to face a multilevel selection process. A festive event is the final highlight. 


See a short portrait on the WaggonTracker-system (SFG / ORF Steiermark).

Photos and video with courtesy of SFG / Scheriau.

The Styrian magazine Klipp created a video documentation on the Fast Forward Awards and its winners, too. 


Automated brake test in the spotlight of Railvolution

"This has been effectively struck off the wish-list!", that is what the special interest magazine Railvolution says about the automated brake test which by PJM.  Read the full story about the "revolutionary" system. 



2.000 intelligent rail freight cars running with WaggonTracker systems

PJM has pioneered the digital rail freight transport. Crucial information in real-time on rail freight wagons and automated processes result in higher efficiency, time-saving and cost-savings. Hence, the rail freight cargo gets more attractive. The technology behind this is the patented WaggonTracker-system.

International customers like SBB Cargo and Mercitalia appreciate the benefits of this overall digital system. Austrian customers such as Lenzing AG count on intelligent freight cars, too. More than 2.000 WaggonTracker-systems have been installed worldwide.

More information on the WaggonTracker-system is provided here


Out now: The brand-new PJMagazine featuring news and inside stories!

Out now - a lot of "i's": information on innovations and insights in our company. 
Have fun reading our PJMagazin!



Innovation Belt Graz: PJM in the limelight of Klipp magazine

The Styrian magazine Klipp says: "The PJM-team is great! Whenever we talk about efficiency and safety for railway system, PJM is the choice."
Online article (in German language):


2019-07-01 10_33_20-INNOVATION BELT GRAZ_ Ihr tägliches Brot – die digitale Schienenwelt » Klipp Mag

Press release: International partners to continue their cooperation

SBB Cargo, ÖBB Rail Cargo Group, PJM and Mercitalia Rail continue their cooperation
In June, at transport logistic in Munich, the four partners confirmed their further cooperation to implement a semi-automatic preparation of the rail freight trains. Due to this system solution, the automated brake test is to tbe integrated into the semi-automatic preparation of trains. This innovative project of the four interntaional partners is supposed to provide the basis for a common standard of in-train-communication.
Read more in the presse-release (available in German)
Credit: SBB Cargo

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