Automated load monitoring system for DB Cargo

DB Cargo optimises the loading process of bulk cargo and equips 100 EAOS wagons with PJM's automatic load weight monitoring system. The WaggonTracker Load Monitoring System determines and displays relevant data in real time, in particular weight, overload, asymmetric loading and free capacity. Optionally, the loads on wheel discs, wheelsets and bogies can also be determined. The real-time results are displayed in the web portal or - depending on customer specifications – the results are visualised directly on the wagon by means of signal lamps. In the DB Cargo application, the automated system fulfils several parameters:

  • Control of the weighing data provided by customers
  • Avoiding of overloading
  • Avoiding time-consuming weighing carried out manually
  • Best possible utilisation and optimal utilisation of transports
  • Increased safety, as overloading of individual components is excluded

"Automatic load weight monitoring does optimise operations. By using sensors in future, the automated process will reduce the time required by determining the load weight, including its distribution," says Michael Wolkow, Head of Procurement, Equipment and Technology at DB Cargo AG.

Get more in the media release


Analyst Certification of the American AAR WABL Committee for PJM strength calculations

PJM now also offers wheelset expertise for the leading rail freight country, the USA. The AAR WABL Committee (Association of American Railroads) has voted to approve PJM for performing strength calculations of wheels according to the S-660 and S-669 standards. This new area of expertise is also already in use on a project. "We are very pleased that we can now also offer our customers this consultancy service for the use of rail vehicles in North America," explains Martin Joch.

In the field of wheelsets, PJM has built up profound know-how over the years. Here, too, the link between calculation and testing plays a major role. The expertise includes calculations as well as the design of instrumented wheelsets.

Get the full media release


PJM at Railway Forum Berlin: presentation & Styrian event

The Railway Forum Berlin is Europe’s leading management conference of the railway industry. The industry get-together is taking place for the 8th time. This year, PJM will again present technological innovations in digital rail freight transport. There are several opportunities for you to see our digital solution around the WaggonTracker system live in Berlin:

  • Visit us at the joint ACStyria stand, stand C 10.
  • Short lecture by CEO Günter Petschnig: "Automation and digitalisation in intermodal transport", Thursday, 7 September, at 11.00 a.m. on the Exhibition Stage
  • Styria Coffee-Break: networking meeting with coffee and wine from the region, Wednesday, 6 September, 12:50, also at the ACStyria joint stand, stand C 10

Railway Forum Berlin, 6 - 7 September 2023

We look forward to your visit!

Invitation Styrian coffee break & wine taste:


Testing the fatigue strength of a container freight wagon at MFL

The fatigue strength tests are used to check that the rail vehicle can withstand the operational loads. There are different test methods for determining the operational strength, such as static tests or impact tests. An important part of this is the pressure frame test, in which the vehicle frame is subjected to loads in an empty and loaded state. The mobile compression frame has proved particularly effective in this respect. With PJM's own development, it is possible to carry out the tests directly at the manufacturer's premises and to use the infrastructure on site or in the vicinity. This was recently the case at Maschinenfabrik Liezen, which offers a perfect infrastructure. For an Italian wagon manufacturer, fatigue tests according to EN 12663 were carried out with the mobile pressure frame.

Short video on the tests:


Millimetre work: measuring application for a turbine impeller

Accuracy is a prerequisite of measurement technology. Precision work is required to obtain reliable and exact measurement results. Our laboratory team is highly experienced in millimetre work. This was also the case with a measurement application for a turbine impeller. Ten strain gauge measuring channels were applied to the special aluminium-bronze surface, and calibration was also carried out in-house. Another requirement of the customer, a global supplier of electromechanical systems and services for hydropower plants, was to make the entire measuring application waterproof.

PJM's measurement know-how is not only in demand in the railway industry. Time and again, PJM also carries out measurements of stresses and loads on special machines, such as for metal shredders from UNTHA.


Nomination for the Austrian Mobility Award: Online voting until 23 July

Mercitalia's "super-intelligent" freight train project has convinced the jury. The most intelligent goods train in Europe is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award, carried out by the VCO.

"The most intelligent goods train in Europe by Mercitalia" is nominated for the Austrian Mobility Award. Every year, the VCÖ selects the best mobility projects in several categories. A jury of experts has evaluated the top 5, now it's your turn and take part in the online voting: You can vote until 23 July (in German language). The German title of our project is: "Digitaler Bahntransport: Der intelligenteste Güterzug Europas".

Of course, our WaggonTracker is also on board as the basic system for the large number of functionalities.


Approval tests in Ireland for Geismar Italia S.p.A

Two types of track inspection vehicles will be in operation on the Irish rail network in the future. For the approval tests, the world-renowned manufacturer of track construction machines relied on PJM's expertise. The approval tests took place in Ireland - typical Irish weather included.

Get the full press release:


Hot off the press: Flyers on WagonTracker, automatic brake test and load monitoring

The most important information, functionalities and the many advantages compactly summarised in two flyers.

Download flyer WaggonTracker system (incl. automated brake test) 

Download flyer load monitoring system 


Transport Logistic 2023: See you in Munich!

The transport industry is meeting again this year in Munich. What will we have in our trade fair luggage? Lots of first-hand news about:

  • Digital rail freight transport
  • Automatic brake testing and load weight monitoring
  • Engineering and construction of new freight wagons and rail vehicles
  • Current projects

We are looking forward to your visit!

9-12 May 2023

Hall B6 / Booth 116





View of the Olympic Stadium in Munich, Olympic Tower, BMW Tower

Happy Easter!

We cordially wish you

Happy Easter & relaxing spring holidays!






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PJ Monitoring GmbH

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