Innovation Award for automated brake testing system

The brake testing system is the best digital project and was honoured with the Innovation Award 2024. The coveted award was presented by Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, member of the Styrian government, and Christoph Ludwig, Managing Director of SFG.

Renowned jury members, including Sabine Hertlitschka from Infineon Technologies and representatives from institutions such as the Austrian Patent Office, the Institute of Industrial Science and AWS, determined the most outstanding projects in the categories of sustainability and digitalization in a two-stage selection process. The assessment criteria included innovation content, overall economic effect and market opportunities.

The award was combined with a personal visit from the Provincial Councillor for Economic Affairs, who not only showed great interest in the automatic brake test, but was also impressed by the entire PJM service portfolio, the headqaurters and the technical equipment. Provincial Councillor Eibinger-Miedl warmly congratulated and emphasised: "Mobility in particular is a field of strength in Styria and PJM is one of the innovation companies." Günter Petschnig was delighted with the award. "We have a great team and a great network with our partners such as SBB Cargo. We have had massive investments for  developing the automatic brake test and further innovations, and we keep drive forward new technologies. The award is a great pleasure for us!"


Photos: With courtesy of SFG / Oliver Wolf 

Hot off the press: Flyers on WagonTracker, automatic brake test and load monitoring

The most important information, functionalities and the many advantages compactly summarised in two flyers.

Download flyer WaggonTracker system (incl. automated brake test) 

Download flyer load monitoring system 


Summer retreat at PJM: 9x internship

Every year: This year, too, we cordially welcome 9 interns who will strengthen our team during the summer weeks. They come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. Our interns are studying different subjects at technical high schools, high shools and studies. We find that holiday jobs are doubly enriching: We are happy about fresh ideas and young people get a first insight into company structures, teamwork and our technologies.

The first three interns started in July, and in August we will be actively supported by six more. Welcome to PJM! 

Internship text with young woman

PJM joins symposium "Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021"

Our CEO Martin Joch is one of the speaking experts on the symposium: “Monitoring Rad-Schiene 2021”. The availability of vehicles is a relevant indicator for railway companies. Martin Joch will present technology and benefits of the autonomous measuring system: “On board monitoring to increase the vehicle’s availability". Comprehensive monitoring of freight wagons creates profound data which is the basis for further decision making such as service and maintenance intervals, damage analysis etc.

The symposium is organised by the Austrian ÖVG and Schuster + Schuster Traffi Infrastructure Consulting and will place on June, 15th in Lower Austria.

Program and registration:




"Der Eisenbahningenieur": An analysis of the automated brake test system and its benefits

The well-respected magazine "Der Eisenbahningenieur" provides a profound insight by Günter Petschnig and Christoph Lorenzutti: An analysis on requirements and benefits of a system for automated brake testing in rail freight. 

Get the full story (in German language):




Bahn Manager magazine: The automated brake test at a glance

The German special interest magazine Bahn Manager provides a compact overview of the automated brake test by PJM. 

Get the full story (in German language) on the "inevitable" innovation:




A short video portrait of the WaggonTracker system provided by Houska Award 2020

All crucial features on our WaggonTracker system are shown in a less-than-2-minutes-video. The film crew of the Houska Award 2020 has packed the technology of our digital overall system in a "how to explain the WaggonTracker assets video" (in German language).

The WaggonTracker system was nominated the renowned Houska Award 2020 and thus among the best five Austrian research projects.


Credit: With courtesy of


PJM joined the international conference Alpine Rail Optimisation

Big data and IoT were the top issues of the international conference Alpine Rail Optimisation. 140 experts of rail companies and suppliers discussed latest digital technologies and their positive effects for railway business. The German special interest magazine Bahnmanager reported from the event in Vienna. Get the full story on the conference including an interview with Günter Petchnig, co-founder and CEO of PJM, on the multiple benefits of the automated brake test (in German language):


Alpine Rail Optimisation

"The awarded innovations" presented by "Kleine Zeitung"

The daily newspaper "Kleine Zeitung" presents all the winners of the Fast Forward Award and their innovation projects. The WaggonTracker system of PJ Monitoring was awarded in the category "medium sized enterprise".






For the public transport company Sporveien Oslo AS, PJM has

For the public transport company Sporveien Oslo AS, PJM has implemented a monitoring system to determine the track's stresses. Due to the comprehensive information gathered by the monitoring system, it is possible to get a reliable forecast of future maintenance work. The well-known magazine ZEV has had a closer look at this topic.


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