Bahn Manager magazine: The automated brake test at a glance

The German special interest magazine Bahn Manager provides a compact overview of the automated brake test by PJM. 

Get the full story (in German language) on the "inevitable" innovation:




In the spotlight of the Swiss Touring-Magazine: Digital brake tests and automated coupling of SBB Cargo

The January issue of the Swiss Touring-Magazine provides a long story on the innovative projects of SBB Cargo (in German language). Digital brake tests and automated coupling replace hard and demanding manual work. By automatising processes, the SBB Cargo will cope with future shortage of staff which is caused by large-scales retirements of the baby-boomer generation.

Business talk of "bahn manager": Interview the automated brake test

The German special interest magazine "bahn manager" regularly interviews experts of railway business. On the Alpine Rail Forum in Vienna, Günter Petschnig gave an insight into the innovative project on automated brake tests (in German language).

The new online magazine reports on the WaggonTracker-system

"Only good news are good news", that's the motto of the new online magazine In the spotlight are positive stories about people and Styria. reports on the WaggonTracker-system and the Fast Forward Award 2019.

Get more (in German language):

Screenshot_ PJM-Waggon-Echtzeitverfolgung - SteierMag – Das Steiermar

Panel on automated rail freight transport

The panel discussion on "Alliance of SBB Cargo with  the industry and public authorities to automatise rail freight transport in Switzerland" took place at the TransportLogistic in Munich. Martin Joch, founder and CEO of PJM, joined the expert panel. "New technologies have a strong impact on our society. We are surrounded by intelligent systems such as Alexa, Amazon, Google & Co. Rail fraight transport needs to be contemporary, too - providing benefits for all of us. Quality of transport and saving of time are the bullet points. Furthermore  it's about creating attractive jobs. Digitalisation will provide new, interesting jobs."
Anja-Maria Sonntag, project leader automation of SBB Cargo provided insight on automisation projects and on the auotmated brake test.
Christian Radewagen, project manager of Voith, emphasised the envorinmental and competitive aspects of rail freight industry.
Arnold Berndt of the public authority "Bundesamt für Verkehr", pointed out the importance of modern rail freight transport systems. 
Photos provided with courtesy by SBB Cargo

LoadMonitor in Railvolution

The international special interest magazine Railvolution reports on our load monitoring system


Focus on PJM

PJM is in the spotlight of the business magazine Spirit. The article focuses on PJM's company growth, developing into a "high-tech company" and "operating wordlwide".


Mercitalia Rail: Intelligent freight wagons are ready to go

Mercitalia upgraded 240 Shimmns Coil Transport Wagons with the monitoring system WaggonTracker ADV

The multi-functional system provides comprehensive information in a very clear and well-arranged way:

  • Weighting analysis including a precise load analysis (e.g. asymmetric load). The staff gets all the required information on the ground. Thus it is possible to correct the loads if necessary.
  • Monitoring of any impacts during standstill
  • Running-gear monitoring on the ride

PJM installed the intelligent monitoring system on the wagons of the latest generation ex works. 200 wagons are ready to go for Mercitalia, another 40 will be delivered in March.

Innotrans 2018

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