A short video portrait of the WaggonTracker system provided by Houska Award 2020

All crucial features on our WaggonTracker system are shown in a less-than-2-minutes-video. The film crew of the Houska Award 2020 has packed the technology of our digital overall system in a "how to explain the WaggonTracker assets video" (in German language).

The WaggonTracker system was nominated the renowned Houska Award 2020 and thus among the best five Austrian research projects.


Credit: With courtesy of houskapreis.at


Austria's VCÖ Mobility Award 2020 for WaggonTracker!

Our WaggonTracker-system was awarded with the Austrian Mobility Prize 2020 in the category "digitalisation". Federal minister Leonore Gewessler, ÖBB director Michaela Huber, Siemens Mobility CEO Arnulf Wolfram and VCÖ-CEO Willi Nowak presented the award to PJM-CEO Günter Petschnig.

The 59 members of the jury found: "We just realized that a digital system is not standard in rail freight transport. Thus, it is a big step to achieve a competitive position between road haulage and rail freight cargo. It is an innovation that was past overdue and which has great potential. A comprehensive data set is the basisfor modernisation and optimisation."

The top-class event was started with a talk of experts: Federal minister Rudolf Anschober and the guests mentioned above presented future concepts and projects. The event was hostest by TV-moderator Corinna Milborn.

VCÖ Mobility Award 2020

The Mobility Award 2020 presented by VCÖ is Austria's greatest competition for sustainable rail freight cargo and climate compatibility. Further information on https://www.vcoe.at/en

Houska Award 2020: Nomination for Austria's greatest research prize

That’s a big thing: The Houska Award is Austria’s greatest research prize – and PJM has been nominated! A very renowned jury of experts and an advisory board has nominated the WaggonTracker-system for the Houska Award 2020.

This year, everyone has the chance to participate. It’s up to you do decide for the audience award, which is the 3rd rank too and which comes with a prize money of 30.000 EUR. Make your choice till the 20th of September – we are looking forward to your vote!

A short portrait on the nominated PJM project & voting (at the end of the page, in German language):



The Houska Award is endowed with 500.000 EUR and has its 15th anniversary this year. The finale will take place on the 24th of September in Vienna. 

Get more on the Houska Award (in German language): https://bcgruppe.at/houskapreis/


Credit: GeorgWilke/BCGruppe


Nomination of the Mobility Award: Make your vote, too!

Yeah! The digital overall system WaggonTracker has been nominated for the Mobility Award of VCÖ, the public-benefit organisation specialising in mobility and transport. A jury of experts had evaluated 385 submissions. The WaggonTracker-system is one of the top 5 nominations in the category “digitalisation”.

That’s great: Everyone has a say – by the online public voting till 27th of July 2020. We would appreciate your vote:


  • Drag the title “Digitaler Schienengüterkehr mit dem Gesamtsystem WaggonTracker“ into the field „Ihr Siegespodest“ and nominate 2 further projects.




The Mobility Award is Austria’s largest competition for climate compatibility and sustainable goods traffic. The winner will be awarded in September 2020.

The benefits of the WaggonTracker-system are clear: One digital overall system provides a wide range of functionalities and it combines monitoring and automation. Hence, digital railway transport is becoming safer, faster and much more efficient. All in all: It is more attractive. These attributes are significant to shift transport from road to railway. Furthermore, railway transport is eco-friendly and cheaper.  


Online-Workshop: Profitable modernisation of freight wagons

How to upgrade existing freight wagons without major financial expenses? How to install an automatic brake test on an existing rail freight car and to receive an accreditation? These questions and many more will be answered on 8th of July in the online workshop " Profitable modernisation of freight wagons".
Among the 4 experts is Alexander Schimanofsky, director of Railway Competence and Certification GmbH (RCC). RCC had supported the PJM-development of the automatic brake test by providing a CSM-compatible development process or normative analysis.
Thesafe.tech 2020 workshop is provided by TÜV SÜD and is held in German language

Excellent technology: German Innovation Award 2020 goes to PJM

The digital overall system WaggonTracker was awarded the renowned German Innovation Award 2020. The international well-known honour is awarded by the German Design Council. The WaggonTracker-system was nominated in autumn 2019, among more than 700 submissios. The jury of experts appreciated the digital technology: PJM is "German Innovation Award 2020 Winner”.

PJM has developed a one of a kind overall system, providing both crucial information on the rail transport in real-time and automated processes. "Innovations are aiming at optimisation. Innovations either solve a problem or improve things. That’s what we were heading for: Catapulting the 100-year-old processes of rail transport into the 21st century and to make it more attractive and efficient”, say Martin Joch and Günter Petschnig, founders and CEO of PJM. The highly innovative WaggonTracker-system fully meets all those requirements. Thus, customers benefit from cost-savings and much more efficient processes. "The developing process from the first idea up to the serial production was very intensive. The German Innovation Award 2020 Winner is dedicated to the entire team. We highly appreciate the award!“

Get more on the overall digital system: https://pjm.co.at/en/waggontracker/


Loading timber the easy way – thanks to the load monitoring system

Mercer Holz is a well-known company in the German timber industry. Every year, Mercer Holz purchases over 5 million cubic metres round timber and sawmill by-products. Hence, the freight volume is very high. About 1,8 million cubic metres round timber and wood chip are transported by rail. In order to simplify the loading process, Mercer Holz has implemented the Load-Monitor-system by PJM. On account of the variable density of timber, volume is not the ideal loading parameter. The load monitoring-system automatically determines the loading process on-site. The load is indicated by signal lamps on the wagon or on the display of the person being in charge of the loading process. Thus, the loading staff is assisted locally and can adjust the load immediately (e.g. in case of overload, impacts etc.). The load monitoring systems provides safety and an increase of efficiency. The load is always at an optimum level.

In February, our WaggonTracker-team has completed the project in Niesky / Germany: 157 load monitoring systems were installed on new wagons and 50 (existing) were upgraded with the PJM-systems.

Learn more about the load monitoring system: https://pjm.co.at/en/waggontracker/load-monitor/


Lenzing AG: LoadMonitor upgrade of further 106 wagons

Lenzing AG, a global player based in Austria, decided to upgrade further 106 wagons with an automated load monitoring system provided by the WaggonTracker-platform. Its benefits are manifold: The load is monitored during the loading process and thus ensures an optimum load capacity. This results in cost-savings and an increase of efficiency and safety by preventing overload. 

Further information on the automated load monitoring system: https://pjm.co.at/en/waggontracker/load-monitor/


Let's have a great 2020!


2019 was both exiting and succesful! Our teams realised projects on four continents. Our measurement experts performed tests for passenger trains, special vehicles and rail freight trains. In terms of digitalisation of rail freight transport, PJM keeps innovations leading: More than 2.300 WaggonTracker-systems have been in operation so far (By the way: In Septemer, the WaggonTracker-plattform was awarded the innovation prize FFA). 

2019 was a big success for us. However, we have great plans for next year, too. We have started to work on many things so that we can keep informing you on innvations and novelties. What do we work on? Just some little hints: We always work to improve "the railway system" and hence provide concrete customer's benefits. Martin Joch and Günter Petschnig use to say: "We do know exactly the needs of vehicle manufacturers, railway companies, fleet operators and wagon keepers. We have the know-how and the technologies to provide cutting-edge advantages." We are looking forward to 2020!


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