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A crucial element of digital rail freight: The automated brake test in the spotlight of ETR magazine

"A significant element of digital rail freight: automated brake test" - that's the title of the paper in the latest issue of ETR magazine, which is one of the leading technical magazines in German language. What's the paper about? You'll get a comprehensive summary on:
  • The current process of brake tests which is purely manually performed
  • The requirements of automated brake tests from a technical and process-driven point of view. 
  • The functionalities and benefits of our brake test-app

Mercer & TRANSWAGGON rely on our automated load monitoring system

Mercer is a full-service-provider for timber industry and wood owners. The portfolio of the German, innovative company comprises pulp mills and a saw mill in Germany. Hence, these figures clearly show Mercer's relevance on the European continent: Every year, Mercer purchases over 7 million bank meters of wood, among it 5 million round timber. Over 3,5 million tons of wood are transported by rail. All in all that's over 2.000 block trains per year. 

Thus, Mercer Holz is one of the biggest wooden rail logistic providers in Europe. Wood is a very valuable raw material yet "difficult" for transporters. "Due to the different density and moisture, wood can differ in weight by up to 50%", says Jürgen Köhler, Head of Logistics at Mercer Holz GmbH. This is a great uncertainty factor having a significant impact on logistics: cost-effectiveness, security and error frequency. A perfect solution is the LoadMonitor-system by PJM. In addition to important data acquisition in real time via general monitoring functions, the LoadMonitor-system provided an automated loading process. "We need reliable, stable wagons and loading security - for both shipping companies and customers", summarizes Jürgen Köhler. Now. Mercer Holz has closed the gaps in the logistics process chain with the LoadMonitor. All essential information about freight wagons as well as an automatic loading control on site are covered by just one system.

Lothar Krebs, Deputy Sales Manager of TRANSWAGGON GmbH in Hamburg, brings a different perspective from the wagon keeper's point of view. "For our customers, a big issue is when vehicles are stopped or removed from the track. That costs time and money. His experience with the LoadMonitor-system: "The use of capacity has increased a lot. It's a great benefit that the loader can immediately see whether the wagon is overloaded or not". His conclusio: "The cooperation worked very well, as did the implementation of the PJM-system and the entire project management. The system runs very smoothly". He prognoses: "Digitalising rail freight is fundamentally correct and must be the future.”

Further information on our customers:

Mercer Holz GmbH



Mobility 2030: A forecast made by the business magazine Spirit

The Styrian business magazine Spirit provides a comprehensive forecast on mobility 2030. How will Styrian companies and research institutions cope with transformation? Find the answers in the article here (in German language).


Kleine Zeitung reports on PJM and how to innovate rail freight cargo

The "Kleine Zeitung" is Austria's most popular and successful local newspaper. Read all about PJM and the WaggonTracker-system and how digitalisation and automation can get rail freight cargo fit for the future. 

Online article (in German language):









Powerful measurement: Impact tests for Innofreight's double container wagon

Physics is a defining factor in our everyday life. Recently, we determined the longitudinal forces and longitudinal acceleration of an 2x 30ft. InnoWaggon of Innofreight. Therefore, the measurements were performed with three different container types: An InnoTainer Coils, a RockTainer and a SlurryTainer to carry so-called lime milk. Lime milk is a mixture of marble, chalk and water used as filling medium and coating pigment in the paper industry. To go into detail, PJM was in charge to measure the force effects on the bumpers, the strength development in the pull rod and in the adapted longitudinal stops of the brackets. The impact tests were performed in Styria.

Innofreight provides innovative, patented rail freight cargo and logistic systems. Among other things, Innofreight is specialised on developing and advancing freight wagons.

A short video portrait of the WaggonTracker system provided by Houska Award 2020

All crucial features on our WaggonTracker system are shown in a less-than-2-minutes-video. The film crew of the Houska Award 2020 has packed the technology of our digital overall system in a "how to explain the WaggonTracker assets video" (in German language).

The WaggonTracker system was nominated the renowned Houska Award 2020 and thus among the best five Austrian research projects.


Credit: With courtesy of


Austria's VCÖ Mobility Award 2020 for WaggonTracker!

Our WaggonTracker-system was awarded with the Austrian Mobility Prize 2020 in the category "digitalisation". Federal minister Leonore Gewessler, ÖBB director Michaela Huber, Siemens Mobility CEO Arnulf Wolfram and VCÖ-CEO Willi Nowak presented the award to PJM-CEO Günter Petschnig.

The 59 members of the jury found: "We just realized that a digital system is not standard in rail freight transport. Thus, it is a big step to achieve a competitive position between road haulage and rail freight cargo. It is an innovation that was past overdue and which has great potential. A comprehensive data set is the basisfor modernisation and optimisation."

The top-class event was started with a talk of experts: Federal minister Rudolf Anschober and the guests mentioned above presented future concepts and projects. The event was hostest by TV-moderator Corinna Milborn.

VCÖ Mobility Award 2020

The Mobility Award 2020 presented by VCÖ is Austria's greatest competition for sustainable rail freight cargo and climate compatibility. Further information on

ETR magazine reports on our "project Westbahn"

The German special interest magazine ETR reports on the tests of approval "made by PJM" for Stadler trains on the Westbahn track. 
Get the full story (PDF in German language) or the success story (in Englisch language):

Load measurement for industrial shredders by UNTHA

UNTHA is a well-known company specialised to design and construct industrial shredders. The areas of application range from recycling of waste wood and organic waste to many more recyclable materials. To shredder various types of metal, it needs high-performance shredders. When it comes to measure the strains and stresses of the shredder machines, UNTHA has counted on the know-how of PJM for various times. Recently, PJM had tested the metal shredder machines with 2 and 4 shafts. During the test phase, the torsional vibrations are tested while shredding different types of material. For long-term measurement, the test phase may take several weeks. The measurements of each shaft provide crucial results finding their way into further developments of the machines, e.g. to determine the level of motorisation.

The great challenge in measuring shredder machines is to link the contrast: The shredder process is very rough, yet the very sensitive devices must provide precise and reliable data.


Shredded material is the basis for reusing and recycling which is a crucial contribution to protect the environment protection and conservation of resources. We are proud of being part of this contribution!


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